Oh My Cream’s privacy policy

OH MY CREAM takes the protection of the personal data of its clients and users extremely seriously. To this end, OH MY CREAM undertakes to treat personal data in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations of the user’s country when they access the www.ohmycream.com internet site, and in particular in accordance with the European General Data Protection Regulation (« GDPR ») and the law pertaining to the Freedom of Information n°78-17 dated January 6th 1978 and modified from time to time.

This Privacy Policy sets out the manner in which OH MY CREAM collects and processes personal data provided by the user on the website www.ohmycream.com (hereinafter the "Site").

All personal data is used by OH MY CREAM for the purpose of delivering orders, choosing samples and suggesting products to the Client. Such data is reserved exclusively for OH MY CREAM’s use.

1. What constitutes personal data?

 Personal data means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (referred to as a "data subject").

In the context of the use of the Site, the data subjects are the users of the site and the clients purchasing products on the Site.

The personal data covered by this Privacy Policy refers to any and all information that allows users or clients to be identified or identifiable, such as the e-mail address that they use to log into their user account.

2. What personal data is collected, to what end and on what legal basis?

All personal data communicated by the user of the Site when making a purchase or creating an account is collected or processed for the following purposes:

  1. Management of the commercial relationship (processing and delivery of orders, choice of samples offered in the orders, invoices): When you place an order, we record your data in order to process your order as well as possible and to proceed with the dispatch of the products purchased. This information is also kept for security purposes, to comply with legal and regulatory obligations, and to enable us to improve and personalise our offers. Your e-mail address is used to send you an order confirmation and to communicate with you if necessary. Your e-mail address is also used to identify you when you log in to your user account. The personal data collected on www.ohmycream.com are exclusively reserved for OH MY CREAM.

Required in order to enter into a contract with you as per our general terms and conditions of use.


  1. Customer relationship management Customer relationship management: after-sales service, beauty advice, suggestion of products adapted to the customer's needs, notification of returns to stock.

Required in order to enter into a contract with you as per our general terms and conditions of use.

Where we may wish to obtain your opinion on the products you have ordered, we will also require your consent.

  1. Login to your user account When you place an order on our Site, we offer you access to your password-protected "User Account". This allows you to access information about your past orders and to correct your personal information if necessary. It is important that you do not divulge to third parties the access data to your "User Account", which is for strictly personal use.

Required in order to enter into a contract with you as per our general terms and conditions of use.

  1. Advertising, research and marketing analysis. We use your information to send you information about our products and to recommend products for sale on our site that may be of interest to you. We use email advertising only to the extent permitted by law.

Requires your consent.

  1. Newsletter subscription If you decide to subscribe to our newsletter, you will receive information about special offers which you can stop receiving at any time by clicking on the link provided in each newsletter. The information collected when you subscribe to our newsletter allows us to make more relevant commercial offers to you.

Requires your consent.

  1. Consultation of the Site For security reasons, during your visits to our Site the following data may be collected and recorded temporarily: domain name or IP address, http response code, the number of bytes transferred, the address of the website from which the user arrived. This processing is based on OH MY CREAM's legitimate interest, which consists in knowing better the frequentation of the Site.

Such data could also be used to make targeted offers to our users (in particular through the use of cookies). Requires your consent (via the cookies banner).

  1. Ask OMCTo facilitate your exchanges with our customer service department, we use the Hero chat application. This application is developed and offered by the American solution Hero, in compliance with European regulations. The data collected by Hero is stored in the European Union and is only kept for the time strictly necessary for our internal quality control. To find out more about Hero's data protection policy, go to this page


3. Who is responsible for processing my personal data and how do I contact them? 

The person in charge of the processing of personal data is OH MY CREAM, a simplified joint stock company, registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 751 427 527, whose registered office is located at 47 rue de Babylone, 75007 Paris, France.

For any question relating to this Privacy Policy, to the processing of personal data implemented on the Site, or in general to the protection of personal data and privacy within OH MY CREAM, you can contact us at the following email address: contact@ohmycream.com.


4. With whom is the data shared?

Personal data that is collected and processed as per article 2 above is used by the competent, relevant persons within OH MY CREAM.

Such data could be shared with partners and contractors where necessary to accomplish the tasks listed above.

Secure data transfer: Our Site is subject to a security system. We have adopted the SSL (Secure Socket Layer) encryption process which ensures protection against the loss, destruction, access, modification or distribution of your data by unauthorised third parties.

5. Por how long is the data kept?

Personal data that is collected and processed as per article 2 above is kept by OH MY CREAM and any partners or contractors for the length of time required to carry out the relevant tasks and no longer.

6. Your rights 

According to the applicable laws and regulations, you have the following rights with regard to your personal data:

You can exercise them by contacting us at : SAS OH MY CREAM 47 rue de Babylone, 75007 Paris, France or by email : contact@ohmycream.com.

  • Rights of access, rectification and deletion You have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete your personal data. You can modify the personal data in your user account, or ask to correct your personal data if it is inaccurate, incomplete or obsolete. You may also request access to or deletion of your personal data in accordance with the applicable regulations.


  • Right to the portability of personal dataThis right differs from the right of access to personal data in that (i) it only concerns data provided by the user to OH MY CREAM and (ii) it allows the user to obtain this data in a structured and machine-readable format.


  • Right to object You may, for legitimate reasons, object at any time, selectively or globally, to the use of your personal data for advertising or research purposes. To this end, a simple written notification of your request is sufficient by email or post to the above address.


  • Right to limit processing: In certain cases provided for by the applicable regulations, you may ask OH MY CREAM to limit the processing of your personal data.


  • The right to set out guidelines on what to do with one's data after deathThe user may indicate to OH MY CREAM directives concerning the modalities of conservation, deletion and communication of his personal data to take place after his death.


  • Right to withdraw consent at any time: For all processing operations, among those listed above, whose legal basis is the user's consent, the latter has the right to withdraw this consent at any time, without having to justify it. In this respect, the Customer may subscribe to the OH MY CREAM newsletter and thus choose to be regularly informed of the offers proposed. The Customer may, at any time, unsubscribe by clicking on the link provided for this purpose on each newsletter.


  • Right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority: The user has the right to lodge a complaint relating to the processing carried out by OH MY CREAM with the competent supervisory authority. For France, this control authority is the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL).

7. Changes to this Privacy Policy

OH MY CREAM reserves the right to modify or to update this Privacy Policy. OH MY CREAM will publish the new Privacy Policy on the Site. In order to be informed of any modifications, OH MY CREAM advises the user to reread this Privacy Policy on the Site regularly.