Our Daily Commitments

Voilà 10 ans que toute notre équipe s’affaire à faire grandir Oh My Cream, ce projet un peu fou devenu réalité. A la base du concept : l’envie d’associer une sélection de marques différentes, clean et efficaces à un conseil sur-mesure, expert et bienveillant, le tout porté par un site web innovant et des boutiques intimistes et chaleureuses.

Dès le départ, Oh My Cream s’est construit autour de valeurs chères à Juliette, notre fondatrice : l’authenticité, la bienveillance, le droit à l’erreur, l’humilité, la cohésion d’équipe sont autant de mots-clés dans le quotidien de l’entreprise. Ils n’ont d’ailleurs jamais été écrits nulle part, mais se sont transmis au fil des arrivées de nouvelles recrues. On espère qu’en nous lisant sur les réseaux sociaux, qu’en parcourant notre journal et qu’en échangeant avec nos équipes en boutiques, vous les ressentez comme nous toutes :-)

Oh My Cream: a human company... and a real one!

We attach a great deal of importance to the general well-being of our teams, in particular by always applying a benevolent management approach. Juliette's motto is "no one can do the impossible": yes, we all believe that the right to make mistakes is fundamental to learning, and that even if we are an ambitious and passionate team, we also know how to recognize our limits and accept the unexpected.

Good humor, smiles and mutual respect are part of our core values: at Oh My Cream, consultants are not subject to begging, our partner agencies don't find solutions on their own, and an employee who encounters difficulties knows that her managers (and colleagues!) are available.

When recruiting, we place great value on "soft skills" (behavioral competencies such as interpersonal intelligence, communication skills...) which cannot be learned, even in the best schools :-), experience and personality. For us, all these elements are far more important than diplomas. Last but not least, we are developing a recruitment policy in favor of inclusion and equal opportunities (notably through the issue of disability), and are currently carrying out an audit with Agefiph (Association de Gestion du Fonds pour l'Insertion des Personnes Handicapées). 

We believe that training is the key to providing quality service and unrivalled advice. We therefore have a training team dedicated to this project. For our in-store and online advisory teams, 5 weeks of initial training is all it takes to give you the best advice. After this stage, we also provide ongoing, permanent training, allocating dedicated time each month to ensure that we are always fully up to date with new products and market developments (notably via our e-learning platform and our various training seminars). The rest of our teams (from Purchasing to Finance and Communications) are also trained. At Oh My Cream, everyone is passionate about beauty! And when we need new skills to move forward, we call on experts in the field. We prefer to build on our strengths and call on the best from time to time to help us go further... and faster! 

Finally, on the "spirit" side, whether in the store or at head office, mutual support remains a key value. An in-store beauty coach is expecting a happy event, but can't manage her days alone in the boutique? Her colleagues get organized and a back-up schedule is set up. Fanny (our Communications Director) organizes a magnificent Press Day in a Parisian hotel? The Retail, Purchasing and E-commerce teams come to the rescue to liven up the day! An inventory at our logistician's? The head office team meets at 7 a.m. and leaves at dawn... Ready to don fluorescent vests and safety shoes!

Oh My Cream: an (almost) 100% feminine company (unintentionally... but we love breaking codes!)


Loin de nous l’idée de boycotter des candidatures masculines (on compense d’ailleurs ce manque de parité avec des consultants masculins, comme nos agences qui nous accompagnent au quotidien et qui se reconnaîtront ;-), mais force est de constater que notre univers attire moins les hommes ! Et puis, après tout, quelle entreprise peut se targuer aujourd’hui d’être (quasi) 100% féminine ? Oui, quasi, car vous avez peut-être eu la chance de rencontrer Jules lors d’un événement Combeau ou dans le cadre du développement pour Oh My Cream en Angleterre ou d’être conseillé par Aymeric ou Ryad, dans l’une de nos boutiques parisiennes ? 

D’ailleurs, chaque année au 1er mars, les entreprises comptant plus de 50 salariés doivent calculer et publier leur index d’égalité professionnelle entre les femmes et les hommes. Pour faire ce calcul, nous aurions dû avoir dans nos effectifs de 2023 au minimum 5 hommes et 5 femmes salariés. N’étant pas à ce nombre minimum, le calcul n’est pas rendu possible. Nous avons bien conscience de cet axe d’amélioration et du fait que d’avoir une majeure partie de nos équipes féminines ne nous dédouane pas de nos obligations légales... Donc, si vous êtes fan de skincare et accro au conseil et à l’expertise, ou encore si vous avez envie de faire grandir Oh My Cream, n’hésitez pas à nous écrire ici ;-) ). 

Oh My Cream s’engage par ailleurs à accompagner au mieux les moments de vie de chacun et chacune. Nous soutenons et accompagnons nos salarié-e-s autour des questions de parentalité. Oh My Cream est notamment signataire du Parental Act en proposant un congé 2ème parent, quels que soit son sexe et son statut, d’un mois 100% rémunéré. Nous mettons aussi en place un retour en douceur du congé maternité en permettant à nos salariées de revenir sur une semaine de 4 jours, sans perte de rémunération, ceci sur une durée de 3 semaines. Plus généralement, l’aménagement du temps de travail est au cœur de nos préoccupations en proposant une flexibilité dans l'organisation du télétravail.

En résumé, notre politique est de répondre avec justesse à chaque situation afin d’accorder au mieux la vie personnelle et professionnelle de nos équipes, si impliquées au quotidien.

Increasingly committed partners

Our partners are also on the same path, and share our mindset (like attracts like!). Our resolution? This year, we're going to try and share more of their initiatives with you (thanks to Fanny and Ellie on social networks!), but here are a few of them already:

The brands

Ren Clean Skincare now uses only recyclable packaging, containing recycled or reusable materials, and this since the end of 2021. Patyka packs its products in recycled cardboard without glue, the ink used is vegetable and prefers to do without instructions to save paper. Oskia has opted for bio-sourced plastic packs made from sugar cane. Combeau favors a soft extraction for the elaboration of its active ingredients, without solvents from the petrochemical industry. The ingredients are sourced responsibly, the brand has independently traced each chain of production and conducted audits on each production site. Sunday Riley is B Corp certified and only works with suppliers and manufacturers who agree to their code of conduct (including rules on wages, working hours, no child labor, health and safety in the workplace, and non-discrimination).

Finally, many of our brands favor short circuits by buying directly from small producers, such as Combeau, Ulé, Umaï...

The next step? In the near future, we would like to categorize our partner brands according to their commitments, to deepen our knowledge of labels and their impact on the environment. This work will allow us to better accompany you on the ecological aspect in the choice of your products and to communicate on the strong commitments of our brands.

Our logistics workshop

To pack your orders with love and ship the products to our stores in record time, we use a logistics workshop based in the Paris region. This one also implements various actions to limit its impact on the environment:

  • The waste is sorted by the teams on site and placed in recycling bins. Depending on their nature, they are then reconditioned for reuse. Paper is used to supply several paper mills and cardboard leftovers are reused by cardboard manufacturers. The same is true for other types of waste: wood (from pallets) is recovered as firewood and plastic film is recovered by plastics manufacturers. The cardboard boxes of our partner brands are reused to send the goods to our stores. In the same way, the small plastic bags that protect our testers when they are sent to the stores are recovered so that they can be reused several times.
  • Our logistics workshop has set up a computer system to manage the expiration dates of our products in a safe way and thus avoid any waste. In addition, we only carry out one or two restocking of our stores (for Paris only) per week, in order to limit the carbon impact of deliveries. We are also working on setting up reusable bins for some Parisian restocking.
  • Finally, the entire logistics workshop is lit with an LED system and motion detectors have been installed to ensure that electricity is only consumed at the right moment. The teams on site are also regularly trained and made aware of their consumption of consumables.

And Oh My Cream Skincare?

To be honest, these steps take time and require large budgets. But with Oh My Cream Skincare, we want to democratize quality skincare at a reasonable price. The equation is complicated to maintain, but, while waiting to go even further (hello Flore who is working hard on this project!), here is what we are already doing:

  • All our products are made in France, with the exception of make-up made in Italy: formulas are developed by our partner labs in France (and also in Switzerland), and packaging is done by French partners. 
  • To limit our ecological impact, we have launched our first 100% recyclable mono-material eco-refills for each of our cleansers and our Cleansing Oil. They help to improve the life cycle of our products. From the very first use, the carbon footprint of our products' packaging is reduced, by 38% forCleansing Oil (using lighter packaging: 12g vs 130g), 31% for Cleansing Gel andCleansing Emulsion (packaging without pump, without case) and 36% for Cleansing Foam (packaging without pump, without case). 

  • We have also initiated a major change in our packaging for all our products to source more recyclable materials, or even recycled materials where possible, and made in Europe. Unfortunately, the challenges are many. The solutions proposed by cosmetics brands often lead us to believe that eco-design is easily accessible, when in reality, we need to sort through the information carefully to avoid greenwashing.

  • We analyze the entire life cycle of our products' packaging, using a new European method to systematically assess their environmental impact, from the extraction of raw materials to final waste.

  • Our products that require special packaging are put into kits by ESATs when possible, as was the case for our Oh My Cream Skincare Body Travel Kit

An increasingly eco-friendly everyday life

At our level, we work every day to multiply our small gestures:

Buying online? You should know that we automatically send our packages without samples (in accordance with the new regulations that come into force in July 2022). However, if you wish to add them to your orders, you need to tick the box to receive them when finalizing your online purchases. As for delivery, we now offer you Mondial Relay, a more ecological choice (when possible!) than home delivery. Finally, to limit our environmental impact, we have decided to stop producing our tote-bags and sample bags. We know that these kinds of little gestures are very appealing to you, but we're committed to doing more and more things that count. And today, the most ecological option is to use the bags and pouches we already have at home. We've also decided to limit the use of tissue paper inside our parcels, as this is immediately discarded.

Come and visit us in store? We equip our outlets with dimmer switches, LED bulbs (where possible) and water-saving devices. Finally, we donate unsold products to associations and use recycled plastic for merchandising in new stores with Le Pavé. Finally, we have completely overhauled our supply system: our stores in Paris and its inner suburbs are delivered at night or in the early hours of the morning by the same delivery driver, who makes a single round from our logistics workshop. This greatly reduces our carbon emissions (and yes, no more traffic jams!) and also greatly limits breakage, as boxes are handled very little (bye bye waste!).

... and at head office: We keep waste to a minimum. We receive a lot of requests from brands wanting to be distributed by us. As we only have one skin, we prefer to pass on the benefits to other, less privileged women. So we regularly send cosmetics to the association Un Petit Bagage d'Amour, which helps isolated mothers with their babies. Items bought for our shoots that we won't be reusing (crockery, lamps, blankets, etc.) are also donated to associations helping isolated people or refugees. Similarly, all the furniture from our previous offices has been donated to Ensemble pour Tous and to a young start-up in full launch that needed a helping hand to furnish its new warehouse. At our events (even if we try to order as little as possible), there's always a bit of food left over, so we've got into the habit of not throwing anything away. For example, the association A manger pour tous redistributed the leftover dishes from our last company seminar.

Our biggest upcoming challenge? Obtaining B Corpcertification, to join a community of committed companies and gain public recognition for our desire to always do better. 

Because since its creation in 2013, Oh My Cream has always been keen to put meaning into each of its actions. After 10 years, it was time to make our day-to-day actions a little more official and put words to the approach that drives us every day. After several months' work by our committee of employees, investors and committed entrepreneurs (cuckoo Spring), it's done: Oh My Cream has become a Mission Company!

Our raison d'être: 

"Enabling everyone to take care of themselves while promoting an expert, transparent and caring approach to beauty."

Our environmental commitment: 

Promote more reasoned and environmentally-friendly beauty consumption.

Our commitment to society: 

Transmit our values and our vision of beauty so that women can take care of themselves and dare to achieve what they (really) aspire to.

Our commitment to governance: 

Engage teams around an inspiring project, while ensuring the fulfillment and balance of each individual.

We can't wait to share with you the rest of our adventure with our B Corp certification...

Here's a summary of our concrete everyday actions. We are aware that all these things are "just" small actions. As well as a commitment that's very close to our hearts, we're also aware that we're still a young company in search of stability. These small actions are a first step and reflect our desire to go further.

Don't hesitate to write to us at contact@ohmycream.com with any comments or suggestions you may have, or to share your day-to-day experience with us.

See you soon!

The Oh My Cream Team