
The 10 favorite rituals of Gwyneth Paltrow, founder of Goop Beauty

We all dream of her glow... If her avant-garde rituals sometimes seem offbeat, Gwyneth Paltrow has established herself as a true holistic beauty guru. Let's take a look at her favorite rituals for a glow in & out. 

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#seo: goop beauty

Dry brushing

"I'm a fan of dry brushing. I rarely take a shower without starting with a good dry brushing with theUltimate Dry Brush Goop Beauty, all over, brushing towards the heart. It's amazing for exfoliation, skin quality and energy."

"Oil pulling" or mouthwash with coconut oil

"The first thing I do when I wake up is a coconut oil mouthwash. So I take a big spoonful of organic, raw coconut oil, put a spoonful in my mouth while I open the curtains and go about my morning business. I keep it in my mouth for about ten minutes. It's an Ayurvedic ritual that eliminates bacteria from the mouth and helps whiten teeth. You do this and then use a tongue scraper - Wow! Your mouth will be super fresh first thing in the morning." 

Night cream as day cream

"My mother gave me this tip because we both have dry skin - use a night cream during the day. For the All-in-One Nourishing Moisturizing Cream Goop Beauty, I wanted a cream that was nourishing, that I could use both at night and during the day, and that my skin wouldn't tire of. This one leaves my skin so soft that I can't stop touching my face all day long..."

Morning meditation

"This is one of the most critical steps in my morning routine. It's a form of meditation that's called'transcendental meditation' every morning with my husband. It's a really nice way to start your day, centered and letting your mind empty. I find that creating a practice or ritual around something really pushes you to dedicate a moment of the day, every day, to yourself."

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Infrared in sauna or mattress

"My routine varies and depends on whether I work from home or in the office. If I work from home, which I do 2-3 times a week, I use the time I would have spent in the car to do a sauna. I do as many infrared saunas as I can, always with the aim of healing my body. Another benefit is the effect on my skin, which makes me happy and makes me want to redouble my skincareefforts."

10,000 steps a day

"A long walk outdoors helps me release stress and it's so good for the body. I'm a firm believer that walking brings body and mind together. It's an activity that my husband and I started some time ago. It's been 4 years since we integrated a 60-90 minute walking activity and it saved us during the COVID epidemic. We have different walks - there's a hiking trail near our house and two specific trails we take in Santa Monica. And then sometimes we drive up to Beverly Hills, park and then let ourselves be guided."

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Its well-aging secret? Exfoliation

"If, like me, you have pigmentation spots or brown spots, the Dark Spot Exfoliating Sleep Milk Serum Goop Beauty will save your life. It's just phenomenal and (very) effective. It simplifies my whole routine by targeting many skin problems, and its texture is very pleasant, silky, not sticky like an active-rich serum can be, with a soothing, soft texture. I apply it every night before going to bed and wake up with hydrated skin, all soft and luminous."

Intermittent fasting

"I do intermittent fasting most of the time, finishing eating around 7pm and having my first meal of the day between 11am and noon. I caught COVID-19 very early and have had persistent fatigue and mental fogginess ever since. In January, I had some tests done which showed a high level of inflammation in my body. I then turned to one of the smartest experts I know in the business, Dr. Will Cole. After seeing my tests, he explained that this was a case where the roads to recovery were going to be longer than usual. So we set up a version of a protocol he describes in his bookIntuitive Fasting. It's a plant-based Keto diet but very flexible."

In bed by 8pm

"I eat dinner very early, which I've noticed is great for my overall health and digestion. Not going to sleep on a full stomach has really made a difference to my sleep. I don't drink as much alcohol as I used to either. It's kind of embarrassing, but we're usually in bed by 8:30, and I love watching TV. I know we shouldn't, but I find it very relaxing. For me, it's a gentle way to fall asleep. And at 9:30 p.m., good night!"

Her 3-step night-time routine

  1. "I always exfoliate Microderm Instant Glow Exfoliant Goop Beauty, one of our absolute bestsellers. I use it almost every night in the bath. Before getting into the bath, I apply it to my dry skin, massage it in, and leave it on for the duration of my bath. Then I remove it."

  2. "Then it was the turn of my favorite cream, the All-in-One Nourishing Moisturizing Cream Goop Beauty. It works incredibly well as a night cream. It's firming, with nourishing and anti-aging benefits, and I love its rich, thick texture. Our clinical results speak for themselves with this one, it's amazing what it can do for your skin.

  3. "I use All-in-One Super Nutrient Face Oil Goop Beauty several times a day, including before bed. I'm obsessed with it. It's been a real game-changer for my skin. It's formulated with bakuchiol, a fantastic natural alternative to retinol for fine lines and wrinkles, and it's light and absorbs easily. I can't live without it. Used over face cream, it's excellent for my dry skin - it seals in all the good stuff."

Acupuncture for the face and body

"Those little needles have helped me through a lot of ailments. Oriental medicine has a different approach to Western medicine - it's more holistic. The root of the problem is treated, as opposed to a symptom that is treated with a prescription drug and ends up coming back. Don't get me wrong, I'm very grateful for a course of antibiotics or surgery when necessary, but I've been helped enormously by various practices that help the body to heal itself."

Gwyneth Paltrow's selection


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