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The double cleanse: how to adopt it?

Découvrez pourquoi le double nettoyage est essentiel pour conserver une peau belle et saine, comment le pratiquer et trouvez votre duo parfait ! 

Double cleansing: the best way to clean your skin

#seo: double cleaning

Double-cleaning is THE thing that makes all the difference. Here's why:

  • Les impuretés, le maquillage, et les particules de pollution irritent et sensibilisent votre peau, il est donc fondamental de les éliminer. 
  • Les produits actifs pénètrent mille fois mieux sur une peau propre.
  • C’est aussi un geste anti-âge : bien nettoyer sa peau permet de prévenir le vieillissement cutané prématuré car lorsqu’elle est propre, celle-ci peut mieux se régénérer. 
  • Le double nettoyage est idéal pour lutter contre les points noirs et les microkystes, éviter les brillances et les pores dilatés, mais sans assécher ni irriter.
  • Découvrez tous ce que vous devez savoir sur le double nettoyage dans cet article.
#seo: double cleaning

How do you achieve the perfect double cleanse?

  • Démarrez toujours sur peau sèche. Appliquez votre huile démaquillante ou votre baume sur le visage en quantité suffisante (une cuillère à soupe pour l’huile et noix pour le baume). 
  • Massez par mouvements circulaires tout le visage puis terminez par les yeux.
  • Rincez à l’eau tiède (ce n’est pas grave si vous sentez que la peau est encore un peu grasse). 
  • Sur peau humide, appliquez votre gel ou votre lait nettoyant.
  • Rincez et le tour est joué ! 

Not quite sure what your skin type is?

Looking for a made-to-measure routine?

Vous avez encore une question sur la bonne routine à adopter ? Écrivez-nous à l’adresse, nos coach·e·s beauté seront ravi·e·s de vous aider. Vous pouvez également prendre rendez-vous via ce lien pour une consultation en ligne afin d'échanger en direct avec l'un.e de nos expert.e et réaliser un diagnostic de peau.


Why is it important to clean your skin?

This simple gesture can make all the difference, especially since facial cleansing is often poorly done, neglected or done with unsuitable products. Whatever your skin type, this is the first step to adopt before going further with more specific products to take care of your face. A good cleaning is therefore essential to have a beautiful skinA good cleansing is essential to have a beautiful, healthy and luminous skin (it is this step that will change your skin texture, tighten the pores and bring radiance!)

After all, impurities, make-up and external aggressors like pollution irritate and sensitize the skin, and poor cleansing means a dull complexion. What's more, when skin is clean, the active ingredients in your skincare products penetrate much more easily. What's more, cleansing the skin is a formidable anti-aging gesture ! In fact, cleansing your skin properly helps to prevent premature skin ageing, and also enables it to regenerate better at night. Visit double cleansing is also an infallible weapon against blackheads, micro-cysts and small imperfections. Proper cleansing helps to purify the skin and prevent excess sebum and dilated pores.


What is double cleaning? 

The double cleansing is a 2-step cleansing of the skin to remove impurities, deep cleanse and allow the other products in your beauty routine to penetrate better. Say goodbye to cotton pads! There's no need to rub your face to effectively dissolve impurities. Instead, gently massage your skin with gentle circular motions. Here's how to take care of your face with double cleansing.


  • The oily double-cleaning stage

The first step is to use an oily make-up remover to remove all oily impurities, make-up, pollution and excess sebum. This is the most delicate way of removing shine without aggressing or drying the skin. Step by step, it gently rebalances normal, combination or oily skin, which tends to have a T-zone more prone to shine. An initial cleansing with an oily texture also helps to soften and comfort the skin. This is an ideal step for sensitive, dry or dehydrated areas.


  • The aqueous stage of double cleaning

The second step is to apply a second facial cleanser with an aqueous base, such as a milk or foaming gel, to refine the result by removing the last toxins, while beginning to treat a skin problem and cleanse deep down. Moisturizing and comfortable, cleansing milks are gentle on skin prone to tightness. Soap-free cleansing gels bring a feeling of purity and freshness to oily skin. 

For even greater effectiveness, don't hesitate to choose your second cleanser according to your current concern: anti-dark spot, anti-blemish or radiance boost... You'll find the perfect formula for your skin among our cleansers! You can also easily change your cleanser according to your mood or the textures you like: creamy milk, cleansing foam or fresh gel cleanser.

Please note A single application of cleansing milk or gel in the evening will not perfectly cleanse the skin. In the long run, it can leave the complexion dull and accelerate the appearance of blackheads and dilated pores.


The gestures to avoid when you want to clean your skin

  • Micellar water Micellar water: originally created for backstage use on the catwalk, to remove make-up between shows. These lotions are very rich in detergents that denature the hydrolipidic film. And when the lipid barrier is altered, dehydration and sensitivities follow!

  • Make-up remover wipes This is the same problem as with micellar water because the wipes are a nomadic product intended for exceptional use. The impurities are moved and not removed. There also, the skin can react by multiplying irritations and the small buttons.

  • Just water To remove impurities, they need to be encapsulated in a "vehicle". Applying only water to your face is useless. Imagine the result if you did your dishes with just a little water...

  • Shower gel For the body, this product is often full of detergent foaming agents and dyes. It thus causes a dissolution of the hydrolipidic film with with the key a dehydrated skin and sensitivities.


How to clean your skin when you have sensitive skin?

If your skin is easily inflamed, we'll be on the lookout for anything that might soothe it, right from the cleansing stage. Chamomile, oatmeal, rose oil or linseed, these soothing active ingredients are ideal for providing the softness your skin needs. For this, we warmly recommend Camellia & Rose Gentle Facial Cleanser Pai Skincare.


How to clean your skin when you have dry skin?

It's essential to provide a comforting texture when cleansing your skin to avoid any tightness. Choose creams, emulsions and cleansing milks, creamy facial cleansers perfect for dry skin lacking lipids. L'Cleansing Emulsion Oh My Cream Skincare Cleansing Emulsion is the perfect choice, thanks to its rich, creamy texture that provides comfort and suppleness. provides comfort and suppleness.


How to clean your skin when you have normal to combination skin?

One will tend to privilege in cleansing face, textures gel or why not, foams. However, it will be necessary to take care to turn to compositions without too aggressive detergents (in particular to avoid the sulfates). If the skin is strongly dehydrated, it can be interesting to turn to a milk, but in this case, a rather light milk. 


How do you cleanse your skin when you have oily skin?

For you, it's all about balance. Your sebum production needs to be regulated and this is done with gel or clay facial cleansers, made with balancing agents. Indie Lee Purifying Cleanser, for example, is an excellent purifying cleanser without the stripping effect. 

One thing is certain, adopting double cleansing and choosing the right face cleanser will considerably improve your skin condition. However, don't forget your complementary care products to have a complete and really effective clean beauty routine.

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