
The things we all do (that ruin our skin)

Excessive exfoliation, putting the phone on your cheek, perfume or insufficient sleep are all bad daily habits that damage the skin. Bénédicte Burguet spoke to three experts about what not to do.

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Valérie Grandury, Founder of the Odacité brand:

  • Forget to wash your hands before your skincare routine, and skip the nail brush to chase away the bacteria lurking underneath. Applying cleanser with hands that aren't perfectly clean is nonsense.
  1.   Exfoliating too hard or too often... A problem I often see in the United States, with the result that skin barriers are compromised by the over-frequent use of acid-based products. The right solution: opt for resurfacing masks with enzymes that are less aggressive, but just as effective.
  1. Sticking your phone to your ear and cheek (phone bacteria stick to the skin): use a hands-free kit.
  2. Massage the face without oil (it breaks capillaries): always place a greasy substance on the skin and massage with the fingers or a massage tool.
  3. Always sleep on the same side (a habit that encourages wrinkles to form on the same part of the face). Try alternating sides or, ideally, sleep on your back to avoid wrinkling the skin on your face.

The Odacité anti-imperfection selection


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Advice from Dr Jean Pierre Naccache, aesthetic physician and micronutritionist:

"Every skin is different and requires a different approach to dermatological care. Dry skin does not require the same attention as oily skin! We often lay down general rules to prevent our skin from aging prematurely (fragile areas, hydration, sun...). Nevertheless, I've identified four essential points that are common to everyone, and which run the risk of ruining the skin's health capital".

  1. A deleterious lifestyle: junk food is a harmful gesture. Sodas, alcohol and saturated fats (cooked meats, fast food), tobacco (cigarettes are a chemical factory), stress... All these accelerate skin ageing through known mechanisms that accumulate. These include oxidative stress, low-grade inflammation and glycation (caramelization of collagen fibers).
  1. Insufficient sleep: skin needs around seven hours of sleep to regenerate. Generally speaking, the cell regeneration mechanism takes place at night. The skin - the largest organ (15% of total weight) - is no exception to this rule. So it's during the night that cells (fibroblasts) activate to synthesize collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid. This is the principle of chronobiology.
  1. Not removing make-up is also a very bad habit that can become harmful in the long term, as it accentuates skin ageing. Throughout the day, the skin is subjected to multiple aggressions (dust from pollution, free radicals from tobacco smoke, toxicity from exhaust fumes, chemical pollutants... Not to mention make-up which, by clogging the pores, prevents the skin from breathing properly).
  2. Triturate pimples. This irrepressible gesture can cost our skin dearly. It's the best way to aggravate lesions (acne scars) and, sometimes, worsen skin conditions by spreading a local staphylococcal infection, or even a loco-regional infection.

The anti-imperfection selection of Bénédicte Burguet, Vanity Fair France columnist

#seo: oh my cream skincare cleansing mask

- The Cleansing Mask Oh My Cream Skincare:

"The duo of clays and charcoal absorbs excess sebum and impurities and my complexion feels purified and clearer."


- The Bakuchiol Retinol Alternative Smoothing Serum Herbivore Botanicals:

"A formidable serum against dullness and fine lines! Its purple colour is obtained thanks to extracts of babchi, turmeric, basil and eggplant."

- The Non-Drying Blemish Treatment Ren Clean Skincare:

"This treatment reduces the size of imperfections thanks to its balancing action based on salicylic acid and salicin. It's perfect and for all skin types (young and old!)."

Bénédicte Burguet's anti-imperfections selection


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