Tried and tested... the shiatsu of the belly by Maison Suisen

I have been hearing about the Suisen House, this Japanese temple located in the heart of Parisin the Marais. While strolling in the galleries that animate this peaceful district, I had passed several times in front of this traditional burnt wood facade that titillated my curiosity and I had read many articles in the press covering with praise this salon, without ever going through the door... Today, I can't stop wondering why I didn't do it earlier.

In this week dedicated to love and more particularly to self-love, when we thought of testing a massage for you, we immediately thought of La Maison Suisen. La Maison Suisen is the story of Sandra Kasparian, passionate about the Japanese art of living. Her multiple trips to the Japanese megalopolis inspired her to create this brand new concept, the first one in Europe. Her Japanese massage salon, imagined as a traditional ryokanis impregnated with respect and love for nature. It is for this reason that the founder of this jewel makes it a point of honor to choose only artisanal materials from Japan and natural and organic products.


Here omotenashi, Japanese hospitality, is the watchword. We are guided in a global sensory experience that immerses us in a world of change. Carefully thought out décor, soft music discreet incense, deep and relaxing massage, tasting of Japanese green tea all the senses are solicited.


Beyond a massage, Maison Suisen offers a global wellness experience. Once you step through the door we enter a bubble where every detail is designed to allow us total relaxation. And, having lived a few months in this magnificent country, entering this place took my breath away and brought back the sweetest memories I had...

What is shiastu?


In this Japanese spa, inspired by Sandra's holistic vision of well-being, we practice shiatsu, a thousand-year-old tradition that combines a moment of well-being with numerous health benefits (both physical and mental). Each treatment at Maison Suisen is personalized and adapted to the season, carefully crafted to adapt this true manual medicine to our current needs and modern lifestyles.


Treatments include "Wa" (harmony), a traditional shiatsu; "Jaku" (tranquility), an aromatic oil shiatsu; "Sei" (purity), a youthful facial; "Kei", dedicated to firming the figure; and last but not least, Fuku" (happiness), focusing on the well-being of the stomach and internal organs.. And this is the one I tried out. The center of intuitive life and often the receptacle of stress and tension, the belly reflects our inner state. And because it is the center of the body and of energy, this treatment frees the body of its negative vibrations, improving digestive comfort and relieving stress-related restore overall vitality and harmony between body and mind.

My experience…


After answering a few questions from Sandra, a Japanese practitioner opens the movable cedar partitions and I discover these walls lined with washi paper. I follow her up a small staircase and go upstairs to discover the warm atmosphere of my treatment room. The air is peaceful and I feel like I'm in a cocoon, wrapped in this linen, on this massage table. The practitioner begins by placing a warm flaxseed cushion on my belly, and while on my belly, and as it relaxes with the reassuring warmth of the cushion, she proceeds to a head and neck massage. Once this massage is over, I begin my belly shiatsu.


I am already in meditation and I quickly let myself be carried away by the sensations, without ever opposing them. Focusing on the solar plexus and hara region (which contains many vital organs and our digestive and reproductive functions), to the rhythm of my deepest breaths in and out, the pressures, effleurages and vibrations follow one another. This incredible practitioner untangles my intestines and frees the knots of energy that stagnate in my belly. And, as expected, I gradually feel that she is freeing me from emotions and tensions accumulated here and there.

I wish I could find the right words to describe this experience, but I feel like I could never really do justice to this hour of care that overwhelmed me. In this very particular and tormented period, this treatment is by far the most beautiful gift I could have given myself.

Information and prices

Maison Suisen is located at 7 rue Thorigny, in the 3rd arrondissement of Paris.

Solo, or as a duo, we invite you to discover more on the Instagram account The Suisen House and on You can call 0157406244 to make an appointment.

For rates :

  • 1 hour: 140 euros
  • 2h : 260 euros
  • Duo 1h: 260 euros


Photo credits : © Maxime FrogéMaxime Frogé

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