Vitamins, minerals and oligo elements for a stronger immune system

They are essential to our health and yet, with our current lifestyles, we can quickly run out of them... discover the key assets that only want you well thanks to Aurélie Canzoneri, naturopath and reflexologist.


The body is constantly fighting against the effects of free radicals (pollution, stress, smoking...) which cause an oxidation phenomenon inside the human body. We know the effects on the skin (dull complexion, sensitivities, pimples...) but inside too, free radicals deteriorate our body. The key to limiting their impact? Antioxidants! 

Taking antioxidants is essential for prevention (to maintain good anti-free radical health) and as we age.

They must be provided by a healthy and balanced diet, including fresh fruits and vegetables: blueberries, blackcurrants, tomatoes, pumpkins, raw cabbage, sea water, ginger, garlic, onion, broccoli, watercress, celery, sesame, almonds, oysters, sprouted seeds, etc.

In some cases, you will need to supplement with phycocyanin, picnogenol, polyphenols, carotenoids, lycopene, vitamins A, C and E, B, selenium, zinc, copper, coenzyme Q10, wheatgrass or barley juice, glutathione and alpha lipoic acid.


Vitamin C

Vitamin C is essential for our immune system!

His roles:

  • Immune system support 

  • Anti-radical protector
  • Helps hormonal and neuro-mediator secretions 

  • Activates healing (important for the right level of collagen)
  • Maintains joints, cartilage, vessels 

  • Facilitates the absorption of iron, its transport in the blood and its storage... Occasionally, if you have difficulties in assimilating iron, you can combine vitamin C and iron. 

Foods naturally rich in vitamin C? Guava, red and green peppers, papaya, kiwi, orange, mango, broccoli, parsley, wheatgrass juice, lemon, grapefruit, acerola, camu-camu, ...

You need even more vitamin C in case of... Physical activities, postoperative periods (because vitamin C is essential for healing), stress, and extreme fatigue. 

I recommend a sustained-release vitamin C because it will act all day long, otherwise you have to think about increasing the doses. Otherwise, a liposomal vitamin C(a vitamin C enclosed in a sort of small lipid bag), which will pass the cell barrier more easily and will deposit the vitamin C in the heart of the cell.

Vitamin E

Essentially vegetable, I recommend taking 1 CAS of wheat germ oil per day.

His roles:

  • Neutralize the excess of free radicals and thus fight against oxidative stress and premature cell aging
  • Prevention of menopause
  • Arterial inflammations
  • Prevention of cardiovascular problems
  • Protection against neurodegenerative diseases
  • Excellent for the elasticity and plasticity of the skin and against skin aging


Vitamin D

This vitamin is essential for the proper functioning of the immune system. The body can synthesize vitamin D3 through the skin in contact with UV rays, so it is necessary to supplement in winter...

When should it be taken?

  • For people with autoimmune diseases
  • For people suffering from osteoporosis (Vitamin D will fix the calcium), osteoarticular problems
  • For the mood
  • For the immune system
  • In case of a fracture

It is better to take a drop of Vitamin D every day than an ampoule every 3 months ;-) 



Magnesium is essential:

  • For the nervous exchanges (considered as the natural "anti-stress")
  • For the health of the phaneras (nails, hair, ...) 

  • It participates in the metabolism of lipids (fats), in the synthesis of proteins, in the degradation of glucose (sugar) to release energy
  • For the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, osteoporosis
  • Effective against fatigue, cramps, spasmophilia, anxiety, dizziness, headaches

I recommend magnesium in the form of bisglycinate or glycerophosphate which are better assimilated by the body, unlike marine magnesium.

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