My sensitivities and dryness routine

Ma peau en ce moment :
Sous l’influence de certains facteurs déclencheurs, des sensibilités et/ou des rougeurs peuvent apparaître, causées par une dilatation des vaisseaux sanguins capillaires. Normalement, ces petits vaisseaux devraient reprendre leur taille initiale une fois l'événement passé, mais à la longue, le phénomène peut s’aggraver pouvant aller jusqu’à des plaques de couperose ou à la fameuse rosacée. Pour lutter contre ce phénomène, il est ainsi essentiel d’adopter une routine adaptée, douce et apaisante.

Enfin, cette routine pourra vous aider si votre peau est chroniquement sèche et inconfortable. Riche en lipides réconfortants, elle redonnera souplesse et “glow” à votre peau.

Your complete routine


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To get started:


Le matin, on débute sa routine en nettoyant sa peau avec l’Émulsion Nettoyante Oh My Cream Skincare, un lait nettoyant riche et onctueux qui apaise tout en restaurant le confort et la souplesse de la peau.

Puis, on applique le Nourishing Eye Cream Baume Contour des Yeux Susanne Kaufmann, un baume contour des yeux à l’effet “pansement” pour nourrir en profondeur et lisser les rides et ridules.

On poursuit sa routine avec le sérum Instant Kalmer Pai Skincare, ce sérum déstressant calme, rafraîchit et apaise les peaux inconfortables et fragilisées par le stress, tout en améliorant leur résistance et leur hydratation. 

On termine avec la crème Anthemis Crème Pai Skincare, une crème hydratante à la texture légère, qui neutralise rougeurs et irritations tout en boostant la réparation cellulaire. Si vous êtes en quête d’une texture plus onctueuse, optez pour la crème intensément nourrissante Vanilla Pod Antipodes, qui protège la peau et active sa réparation pour retrouver confort et souplesse. 

At night:

Le soir, on se lance dans un double nettoyage en commençant par le Baume Démaquillant Oh My Cream Skincare. Ce baume onctueux se transforme en huile pour dissoudre le maquillage tout en minimisant les rougeurs. Puis, on parfaire le nettoyage de sa peau avec l’Émulsion Nettoyante Oh My Cream Skincare

Pour suivre, on applique le sérum déstressant et calmant Instant Kalmer Pai Skincare

Pour terminer, on vient masser sur le visage quelques gouttes de l’Huile de Chanvre Rowse qui lutte contre les inflammations cutanées. Si votre peau est vraiment about, optez pour le Blue Balm Chamomile + Shea Butter Repair Balm Odacité, un baume à la texture fondante qui régénère, hydrate, apaise et nourrit les peaux les plus sèches et fragiles. 

To go further :

Pour aller plus loin et décupler les effets des produits, on peut aussi utiliser le duo complément alimentaire et beauty tool :

  • Microbiote et Peau Atelier Nubio : des gélules composées de 4 souches de probiotiques pour rééquilibrer le microbiote intestinal responsable des rougeurs et ainsi réguler les inflammations. 

  • Roll-On Oh My Cream Skincare : un roll-on en quartz rose qui lisse la peau, décongestionne le contour des yeux, tout en réduisant les poches et les cernes et en détendant les muscles du visage. 

1 to 2 times a week:

1 à 2 fois par semaine, pour un nettoyage plus en profondeur pour décoller les cellules mortes et chasser la grise mine, on peut opter pour une exfoliation toute en douceur avec Daily Milkfoliant Dermalogica. Cette poudre calmante à base d’avoine lisse la peau tout en l’apaisant et en restaurant la barrière cutanée. 

On peut également faire suivre l’exfoliation par le Masque SOS Oh My Cream Skincare. Ce masque apaisant à la texture crème ultra-réconfortante, diminue les rougeurs et les sensations d’inconfort pour une peau apaisée et douce.

"Finally, a serum that durably meets the needs of ultra-sensitive skin: soothing, protective, moisturizing and above all... active ingredients that strengthen the epidermis day after day for optimal resistance!"

- Pernelle

à propos du Sérum Instant Kalmer

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Sensitivities & Redness: the ideal soothing routine 


Some skin types are more fragile than others. Under the effect of external aggressions, tingling, discomfort and redness appear. These sensitivities can be linked to the type of skin, that is to say that the skin will always be sensitive, it is written in its genes. But it is not only heredity: sometimes, these reactions are linked to external factors, such as unsuitable care, medication or other. In this case, the skin is said to be sensitized. Whatever your case, this guide will give you all the right gestures to have a beautiful skin, perfectly soothed and without redness if you suffer from sensitivities.


Why does redness appear on the face?

The appearance of redness on the face can be triggered by certain factors. Cold weather, sun exposure, stress or strong emotions can cause capillary blood vessels to dilate, triggering redness. Normally, these small vessels should return to their original size once the event has passed. Over time, however, the phenomenon worsens: the increasingly dilated vessels become visible to the naked eye, and the redness becomes permanent. The redness can become localized in red patches, particularly on the cheekbones and nose. Over time, this can lead to couperose or rosacea (permanent redness of the skin). If this symptom sounds familiar, don't hesitate to consult a specialist: dermatological lasers have made enormous progress in recent years...


What to do about facial redness? 

A thorough cleanse to reduce facial redness 

Double cleansing is ideal for all skin types: it's the most effective and gentlest cleansing method. As an added bonus, it's also a great ally for sensitive skin. Gently cleansed in this way, without detergents or cotton pads, the skin will be durably soothed and never red again after make-up removal. In the first stage, I start with a cleansing balm or oil: this first product will begin to soften and nourish the skin, providing it with the fatty acids it needs to feel comfortable. What's more, the oily texture will also begin to moisturize the skin and bring it comfort. A good thing if you have dry skin or dehydrated skin. But don't worry, using a cleansing oil can also gently regulate oily and combination skin, gently eliminating shine. (Indeed, very often, combination to oily skin can also be sensitive).

In the second step, to refine the result and cleanse deeply, follow the oil or balm with a gentle cleansing milk or gel. Moisturizing and comfortable, milks cleanse perfectly without aggressing sensitive skin prone to tightness. But if you're looking for freshness, gentle cleansing gels are also a good option for cleansing without accentuating redness or irritation. 


A soft exfoliation for sensitive skins

It is often the gesture that frightens sensitive skin. However, not all exfoliants are irritating. On the contrary, a gentle scrub will remove all the dead cells that have accumulated on the surface and prevent the skin from benefiting 100% from the soothing active ingredients that are applied afterwards. Exfoliating will also allow to chase away the dullness by making room for fresh cells... 


A care oil to protect against external aggressions

Finally, we finish our routine by protecting our skin with a care oil for sensitive skin. L'care oilwhether used as a serum or on its own, helps maintain the skin's moisture levels, while regulating shine. Rich in essential fatty acids and nutrients, it provides comfort and combats dehydration. It also restores the skin's hydrolipidic film and helps it rebuild its protective shield, making it stronger in the face of aggression.


The best creams and face care products to prevent redness

To maximize results, I add a few well-chosen specific gestures to my routine.Gentlelotion, calming mask, moisturizing cream... I choose from among these adapted and targeted treatments to offer myself the most complete routine to reduce sensitivity as much as possible.


DOs when you have sensitive skin

- We track down the soothing active ingredients on the labels: chamomile, azulene, oatmeal or calendula are plants with great anti-inflammatory properties.

- Linty foundation due to irritated skin? The day before, perform a gentle exfoliation. Say goodbye to flaky skin and hello to a glowy complexion!

- Use soothing lotions after cleansing: this immediately neutralises the hard water which dehydrates the skin and makes it sensitive.


DON'Ts for sensitive skin

- Choosing makeup removers too quickly. Micellar water, for example, is an irritating cleanser for the skin. Rich in detergents, it sensitizes and often leaves the face red. It is rarely rinsed off and leaves most of the impurities on the skin's surface. Changing this step is already enough to transform the skin...

- Use makeup that contains alcohol, synthetic perfumes... A disaster for sensitive skin.

- Excessive use of exfoliating products: over-exfoliation can sensitize the epidermis and aggravate existing skin problems (by defending itself, the skin can react with imperfections on the face). One opts rather for softness and a lighter frequency of use.

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