Beauty files
Our 3 favorite cures
We've listed 3 cures that we've tested (over several months) and approved: capsules or ampoules that work real miracles on skin, hair and even your figure!
Hair supplements that are a change from brewer's yeast
We want a growth booster" capsules Nubio workshop
"When it comes to making decisions, little Aries that I am, I've always gone for it. But when it comes to my hair, I have to admit that not a week goes by without me asking myself THE question (and pissing off everyone around me in the process): "Should I let it grow out or cut it all off?Let it grow or cut it all off?". Determined to regain my long hair 4 months ago, I put all my faith in these capsules. And frankly, it's been a long time since I've been so impressed by a dietary supplement. Yes, you have to be patient: the first results started to show in my case around the first 3-4 weeks, with much stronger nails. Then, gradually, the hair clearly started to grow... and much faster than usual. Smaller hairs also started to emerge, and the finer ones are much more resistant. Another advantage is that it's much easier to digest than pure brewer's yeast: I don't mind long hair, but if I'm going to do that, I might as well do without the stomach aches that come after several days of taking it... The final positive sign? When even your colleagues and lover notice. If that's not a good sign ;-)"