My anti-stain routine

Ma peau en ce moment :
Mon teint manque d’uniformité et quelques taches pigmentaires sont apparues. La raison ? Une production de mélanine (le pigment cutané) qui s’emballe sous le coup du stress, des variations hormonales ou encore des UV. La solution : exfolier sa peau plus régulièrement, lui apporter une haute dose d’actifs anti-taches et surtout la protéger du soleil, pour ne pas accentuer le phénomène.

Your complete routine


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To get started:


Le matin, on commence par nettoyer sa peau avec le nettoyant Vital Foaming Cleanser Nuori, une mousse nettoyante à l’action exfoliante qui élimine toutes les impuretés et illumine le teint. 

Puis, on applique sur le contour des yeux le sérum Biolumin C Eye Serum Dermalogica, une sérum pour le regard à la texture légère et formulé à base de vitamine C, pour illuminer, hydrater et défatiguer le regard.

On poursuit sa routine en appliquant le Sérum Correcteur Anti-taches Patyka, Un sérum qui estompe et prévient de l'apparition des taches pigmentaires, pour un teint éclatant et un grain de peau lissé.

On termine par le Fluide Anti-Taches Hautes Protection SPF30 Patyka, un soin quotidien doté d’une protection UV, pour prévenir et corriger les taches pigmentaires. En cas de peau sensible, on privilégie le Fade Foward Sérum Anti Taches Pai Skincare, qui cible les zones de pigmentation, telles que les taches de vieillesse et les taches brunes dues au soleil.

At night:

Le soir, on opte pour un double nettoyage avec l’Huile Démaquillante Oh My Cream Skincare, une huile fluide qui dissout le maquillage du visage et des yeux, la pollution et l’excès de sébum. Puis, on termine le nettoyage de sa peau avec le Vital Foaming Cleanser Nuori

Pour hydrater son contour de l’œil, on applique le sérum Biolumin C Eye Serum Dermalogica.

Pour terminer sa routine, on applique  le sérum Good Genes Sunday Riley, un sérum multi-fonctions à la formulation puissante pour atténuer les marques résiduelles, repulper, lisser et booster l’éclat du teint. 

Et les soirs où le Good Genes n’est pas appliqué, on mise sur le CEO Glow Facial Oil Sunday Riley, une huile de soin formulée pour redonner de l’éclat à la peau, lutter contre les taches et hydrater intensément.

1 to 2 times a week:

On peut opter 1 à 2 fois par semaine par un nettoyage plus en profondeur avec une exfoliation. Pour cela, les soirs où le Good Genes n’est pas appliqué, on mise sur le Daily Microfoliant Exfoliant Poudre Dermalogica. Cette poudre exfoliante culte se transforme en mousse fine au contact de l’eau pour révéler un teint plus lumineux. 


Et pour les soirs où vous n’appliquez ni le Daily Microfoliant ni le Good Genes, vous pouvez vous tourner vers le masque nouvelle génération Renaissance Mask Oskia. Avec sa texture gel en huile fondant, il combine nettoyage et exfoliation douce pour une peau lumineuse. 

To go further:

Pour aller plus loin et décupler les effets des produits, on peut aussi utiliser le duo complément alimentaire et beauty tool :

  • On veut... l'éclat ultime Atelier Nubio : ces gélules hydratent en profondeur et préviennent les taches pigmentaires, tout en réactivant l'éclat de la peau dès 15 jours !
  • Masque LED Anti-âge Le Professionnel Nooance : ce masque de luminothérapie, à l’efficacité cliniquement prouvée, agit sur les signes de l’âge, les rougeurs, les taches et les imperfections grâce à ses LED rouges et infrarouges.

"This serum really helps smooth skin texture and tighten pores thanks to the glycolic acid in it. As soon as you apply it, your skin feels soft and luminous, and the results become more pronounced as the weeks go by."

- Clara

à propos du Sérum Good Genes

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What are brown spots? 

The brown spots or pigment spots are also called age spots (although they are not directly related to age), sun spots or lentigo. They are small spots on the skin of varying sizes that appear on sun-exposed areas such as the face, hands, shoulders or arms. Brown spots are mainly caused by exposure to the sun's ultraviolet rays and are related to an excess production of melanin. It should also be remembered that brown spots can also be caused by stress or even appear when you live in a highly polluted environment. 


After years of exposure, melanin can concentrate in certain areas of the skin and further pigment it. Brown spots then appear in a definitive way. Although benign, one must remain vigilant because a melanoma can be mistaken for a lentigo and only a dermatologist can distinguish the two. These do not require any treatment but, for aesthetic reasons, it is possible to make them less visible.


Why are dark spots always more visible after the summer? 

It is above all a question of difference between tanning and brown spots If melanin is responsible for both and has been activated this summer to protect us (and obviously) make us tan, it has unfortunately been overwhelmed by UV rays. Yes, melanocytes are cells that tend to overreact and when sun exposure is too intense, melanocyte production goes into overdrive trying to protect us, marking the skin with brown spots. 


Is it possible to completely eliminate brown spots on the face?

Removing a pigment stain 100% with cosmetics is not possible, for the simple reason that it would require an extremely large quantity of exfoliating agents to eliminate the surface layer of the skin, and therefore the brown spots (which would be dangerous to use alone). To strongly reduce or even eliminate a pigmentation spot in certain cases, we can book, in addition to an adapted routine a professional peelinglaser or cryotherapy sessions (performed by a dermatologist). As you can see, cosmetics cannot eliminate spots, but they can really reduce the "Dalmatian effect", as long as the chosen treatments are adapted and used regularly... And they are excellent for prevention!  


What beauty care against dark spots?

  • Adopt a daily sun protection. There's no point in embarking on a proper anti-spot routine without applying a cream with SPF to prevent them from appearing and even prevent those already present from darkening.
  • Focus on the synergy of lightening active ingredients. Combine products rich in lactic acid, rice bran, licorice, vitamin C, glycolic acid... in the same routine.
  • Make sure your morning routine doesn't contain any photo-sensitizing products: reserve fruit acids, retinol and glycolic acid for the evening, otherwise you risk the opposite effect.
  • Resume an anti-spot routine Every fall is the right time to calm the melanocyte and get it back on track.
  • The ideal solution? Opt for a moisturizing day cream including a sun protection factor, as the sun is the primary cause of the appearance of pigmentation spots. In the evening, you can opt for a corrective night cream. Often exfoliating (retinol- or acid-based), this type of skin care comes as a serum or cream, and helps reduce the appearance of spots. So, prevent in the morning, treat in the evening!


What to avoid when you have brown spots

- Over-exfoliating the skin can lead to skin inflammation and reactive pigmentation.

- Putting on perfume before exposure: melanocytes are the most fragile cells and certain substances do not mix well with the sun.

- Stop your routine after 15 days of treatment: stains are a complicated problem to solve and it takes at least 6 to 8 weeks of consecutive treatments to see results. 

- Thinking that a pigmentation spot can disappear completely: if it is very recent, it is possible. But in most cases, a cosmetic routine can lighten it but not make it disappear completely.


The most effective creams against brown spots

To avoid the Dalmatian effect, the first good thing to do is to use a day cream with sun protection on a daily basis and over time. This is also an excellent habit as it is also the number one way to prevent skin ageing. 

- The High Protection Anti-Spot Fluid SPF30 Patyka. This anti-spot cream for the face is equipped with a sun protection to prevent and correct pigmentation spots in a single step.  

- For skin in search of glow, bet on Diem Vitamin C Anti-Spot Gel Cream Antipodes. This high-performance gel cream beautifies the skin while correcting spots, preventing hyperpigmentation and revitalizing dullness. 

- Morning and night, you can also opt for a brightening and anti-aging serum. The PowerBright Dark Spot Serum Dermalogica quickly reduces the appearance of dark spots and prevents hyperpigmentation for an even skin tone. 

- For those in a hurry or if you only want to correct a few localized spots, theAge Bright Clearing Serum Dermalogica is the ideal product for this purpose.

- Finally, a course of vitamin C is ideal for preventing and treating pigmentation spots, while at the same time rejuvenating skin damaged by the sun. We recommend CEO 15% Vitaminc C Brightening Serum Sunday Riley

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