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Oily skin: our ideal beauty routine

La peau grasse est une peau qui exagère : elle produit du sébum en excès. Certes, le sébum protège la peau, mais il induit aussi des brillances qui entravent le renouvellement harmonieux de l’épiderme. Conséquence : la peau s’épaissit. Le sébum a également une fâcheuse tendance à boucher les pores de la peau et à provoquer de petites imperfections. Cependant, la peau présente en contrepartie certains avantages : elle est moins sensible aux irritations et elle vieillit mieux ! Voici notre routine idéale.

How do I know if I have oily skin?

  • Mon teint est brouillé, mon maquillage ne tient pas.
  • J’ai des brillances, je n’ai jamais la peau « nette, mes pores sont dilatés.
  • Mon grain de peau est épais.
  • J’ai parfois de petites imperfections, notamment sur la zone T.


* À la différence de la peau mixte, la peau grasse est sujette aux brillances sur l’ensemble du visage et non uniquement sur la zone T. Elle a tendance à briller dès le lever et pour toute la journée.

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Not sure if you have oily skin?

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How do I care for oily skin?

If your skin shines throughout the day, produces excess excess sebumpresents imperfections or dilated pores, you probably have oily skin. While sebum protects the skin, it's the shine it causes that's the problem. This shine hinders the harmonious renewal of the epidermis. The result? Skin thickens, pores become clogged and small imperfections can appear. But rest assured, oily skin also has its advantages. Less sensitive to irritation, oily skin ages better! And since shiny skin is far from inevitable, we'd like to share with you our beauty tips for take care of your skin if it's oily.


What is oily skin?

Oily skin is a skin type whose sebaceous glands work in excess. Over-applied, they can't stop themselves and produce sebum whose composition is not "certified compliant". This is thicker and stickier, creating a breeding ground for blackheads and pimples. But oily skin is not necessarily prone to imperfections. Sometimes, all you'll notice are a few dilated pores, especially on the T-zone. But oily skin is no less fragile. Often treated too harshly (with super-astringent or purifying routines), it sometimes shows signs of sensitivity. If it feels attacked, it may even rebel, causing the famous "rebound effect". Patience and regularity will get your skin back on track... gently.


Qhat are the causes?

Internal factors: The sebaceous glands work under the control of certain hormones called androgens (also called male hormones - this is why men are often more prone to excess sebum). A hormonal imbalance in these hormones can lead to excessive shine (this is sometimes the case for some women at the time of menstruation, a period of androgenic peak). Finally, some hormonal treatments can also temporarily derail the sebaceous glands.

External factors: Perhaps you've noticed that your skin glows more in the spring or summer? This is perfectly normal. A 1°C increase in skin temperature triggers a 10% overproduction of sebum. But it is also possible that an epidermis regularly weakened by an irritating skin care product may defend itself with excess shine. Aggression and drying of the skin with alcoholic tonics can also create this effect.


How to get rid of oily skin?

Cleaning the face: the right gestures to adopt

The double cleansing is ideal for all skin types: it is the most effective and gentle cleansing method. By meticulously cleansing your face every night, you can better prepare your skin to receive specific treatments.

I start with a cleansing oil or balm cleansing oil or balm This product will emulsify all greasy substances on the skin's surface, such as sebum, pollution and make-up (including waterproof mascara!). This is the most delicate way toremove shinewithout aggressing or drying out the skin. Little by little, this helps to gently rebalance and purify oily skin. What's more, the oily texture will also begin to soften and bring comfort to the skin. These benefits are ideal for caring for sensitive or dehydrated areas such as the cheeks.

In the second step, for deep cleansing, follow with a foaming gel cleanser but without soap. This gentle cleanser will also begin to treat the problems of oily skin: excess sebum, imperfections or blotchy complexion while providing a sensation of purity. Looking for creaminess? Cleansing creams aren't just for dry skin: some are formulated with a clay base and are particularly suitable for oily skin. for oily skin. Want to try other formulas? Our guide "choosing your skin cleanser"will help you discover other gems !

Gentle exfoliation to purify oily skin

A "beautiful skin" gesture par excellence (provided that it is gentle and does not rhyme with irritation), exfoliation eliminates excess dead cells and optimizes the penetration of active ingredients, I gain in softness and radiance, while fighting against small imperfections (brown spots, pimples, dilated pores).


Protect oily skin with a skin care oil

To complete your routine, protect your skin with a skin care oil adapted to the needs of oily skin. Provided it is fine and of plant origin, it will help regulate oily skin. Rich in essential fatty acids and nutrients, it not only provides comfort and fights dehydration, but also gives the skin the oil it needs to stop producing excess sebum. excess sebum production.

Things to avoid when you have oily skin

  • Do not try to "strip" your skin at all costs with detergent soaps, alcohol-based lotions or grainy scrubs, as this will only increase sebum production and make your skin more sensitive. On the other hand, do not choose milks that are too greasy, which will overload the skin.
  • Banish mineral oils (I look for "Mineral Oil" or "Paraffinum Liquidum" in formulas), which have a strong protective power thanks to their film-forming action, but risk suffocating oily skin and stimulating imperfections. To be sure of choosing choosing the right plant oil for your skin typeour complete guide will give you the best tips.
  • Beware of the sun, which is a false friend: first it dries out the pimples, but when you return from vacation, sebum production accelerates and the pimples resurface... This is the rebound effect!

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