
15 simple tips to sleep well

Ça nous est tou.te.s déjà arrivé : rien de plus agaçant que de se coucher et tourner au fond de son lit ! Un flux incessant de pensées, une envie dévorante de checker les notifications de son smartphone, celle de se re-lever pour aller boire un dernier verre d’eau… Les causes sont nombreuses lorsqu'on peine à s'endormir. Mais heureusement, il existe tout autant d'astuces pour se lover de nouveau dans les bras de Morphée. Découvrez vite les conseils d’Aurélie Canzoneri, naturopathe. 

Why is sleeping well so important? 

If we need to sleep so much, it is because sleep is actually VITAL for every one of us. Indeed, it allows:

  • Allows the brain maturation and the recovery of the organism
  • Promotes memory and learning
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Optimizes cell regeneration
  • Boosts the secretion of growth hormone
  • Strengthens the defences
  • Rests the nervous system
  • Regulates appetite

What if we don't sleep well?

Indéniablement, la journée est plus longue et la fatigue pointe le bout de son nez… On est aussi plus, l’immunité baisse et par réflexe pour compenser, se réveille l’envie de se ruer sur le sucre. On le sait moins également, mais au-delà d’un stress accru et d’une baisse de nos performances mentales, il existe aussi un risque de prise de poids.

15 tips to sleep well

  • Eat a light meal in the evening. 

  • À From 4 p.m. onwards, choose foods rich in tryptophan (a precursor of serotonin, which helps you fall asleep and relax) and magnesium, which facilitates its assimilation. These are found in brown rice, eggs, dark chocolate (yippee!), bananas and nuts.

  • Listen to your breathing to better control it.

  • Start meditating: videos and podcasts can guide you.

  • Listen to sleep signals and don't fight falling asleep.
  • Unbeatable: read a book before going to bed.

  • Anxiety, eating too much, too many screens... Looking for the root cause of your problems will help you find a lasting solution.

  • Eliminate excitants that disturb the nervous system (tea, coffee...).

  • Some herbs in infusion can help you: passionflower, valerian, linden, lemon balm or lavender.

  • Nothing beats a good bath with a few drops of essential oils (lavender, orange blossom...).
  • Make sure you sleep in the dark, as darkness is essential for melatonin secretion.

  • Keep an eye on the temperature of the room: ideally, it should be between 18° and 20°.

  • Avoid screens at least 2 hours before bedtime.

  • Go to bed at a fixed time during the week... and at weekends!

Did you like this article? Then you should love "Digest better to feel better about yourself", from a previous Instagram live from Aurélie Canzoneri! For more information, you can contact Naturopath Aurélie Canzoneri:

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