
15 simple tips for a good night's sleep

It's happened to all of us: there's nothing more annoying than tossing and turning in bed! An incessant stream of thoughts, the all-consuming urge to check your smartphone notifications, the need to get up again for a last glass of water... There are many reasons why it's hard to fall asleep. But fortunately, there are just as many tips to help you curl up again in Morpheus' arms. Find out more from naturopath Aurélie Canzoneri. 

Why is sleeping well so important? 

If we need sleep so badly, it's because for each and every one of us, sleep is actually VITAL. It :

  • Helps brain maturation and body recovery
  • Promotes memory and learning
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Optimizes cell regeneration
  • Boosts secretion of growth hormone
  • Strengthens defences
  • Put to rest le système nerveux
  • Regulates appetite

What happens when you don't sleep well?

There's no denying that the day is longer, and fatigue sets in... We're also more chilled, our immunity drops, and our reflex to compensate is to reach for the sugar. It's also less well known that, in addition to increased stress and reduced mental performance, there's also a risk of weight gain.

15 tips for a good night's sleep

  • Eat a light meal in the evening. 

  • À From 4 p.m. onwards, choose foods rich in tryptophan (a precursor of serotonin, which helps you fall asleep and relax) and magnesium, which facilitates its assimilation. These are found in brown rice, eggs, dark chocolate (yippee!), bananas and nuts.

  • Listen to your breathing to better control it.

  • Start meditating: videos and podcasts can guide you.

  • Listen to sleep signals and don't fight falling asleep.
  • Unbeatable: read a book before going to bed.

  • Anxiety, eating too much, too many screens... Looking for the root cause of your problems will help you find a lasting solution.

  • Eliminate excitants that disrupt the nervous system (tea, coffee...).

  • A few herbal teas can help: passionflower, valerian, linden, lemon balm and lavender.

  • Nothing beats a good bath with a few drops of essential oils (lavender, orange blossom...).
  • Make sure you sleep in the dark, as darkness is essential for melatonin secretion.

  • Keep an eye on the room temperature: ideally, it should be between 18° and 20°.

  • Avoid screens at least 2 hours before bedtime.

  • Go to bed at a fixed time during the week... and at weekends!

Did you like this article? Then you should love "Digest better to feel better about yourself", from a previous Instagram live from Aurélie Canzoneri! For more information, please contact Naturopathe Aurélie Canzoneri:

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