Beauty files

5 days to see your belly deflate! 

5 days is the time it takes to give yourself that much-deserved "fresh start" after the excesses of the end-of-year. Discover our tips and tricks from wellness expert Axelle Rogano and Dijo's nutrition expert to feel good in your tummy at the start of the new year.

What is the 5 Days Reset Dijo?

A 5-day cure to give yourself a "fresh start" andrelieve the most important causes of a bloated belly, thanks to the combination of plants, enzymes and vegetable charcoal highly concentrated with : 

  • Fennel and caraway to help eliminate gas and relieve digestive discomfort 

  • Vegetable charcoal to help control lipid metabolism 

  • Alpha-galactosidase to prevent gas production 

How does it work?

For 5 days only, take 2 capsules with lunch and dinner. To maximize results, eat a balanced diet as much as possible, keep well hydrated, avoid alcohol and get a good night's sleep. 

And for a successful cure, we reveal our tips and tricks for a flat stomach in the blink of an eye.

Draining and detoxifying massage

Our belly also deserves a massage, especially when a few movements can reduce bloating and aid digestion. Axelle Rogano, belly wellness expert and founder ofAYAM Paris shares her massage ritual with us.

Apply a few drops ofNourishing Oil Oh My Cream Skincareto your belly, then use the flat of your hands to apply circular movements. One hand alternates with the other, or both hands together for greater pressure. Use about 30 times. Then, starting from the navel, make a spiral that gets bigger as you progress up to the ribs and lower abdomen at the iliac crest. Repeat this technique at least 3 times!

The happy gut recipe

Because winter is the best time of year to concoct gourmet dishes that warm our hearts and our insides, we prefer comforting recipes based on cooked (and warm) foods. And don't forget to take your time when eating, without depriving yourself and, above all, to chew well, all in a calm, fully conscious position, in an upright posture that facilitates digestion and digestive comfort, while combating bloating

For better digestion, Dijo nutrition expert Pauline advises us to include these foods in your meals: 

  • Root vegetables, which come from the earth and are easy to digest, such as eggplants, zucchinis and carrots, and potatoes which, when cooked and eaten with the skin on, are a source of fiber. But also mushrooms, chestnuts, squash, pumpkin, etc.). 
  • Brown rice

  • Spices such as cinnamon, ginger, cardamom and turmeric

  • Almonds, rich in fibre and healthy fats
  • Plain yoghurts naturally rich in probiotics

  • Chia seeds

  • Peppermint herbal teas

What you need to know

Some people may be sensitive to certain types of food, particularly those rich in FODMAPs (fermentable, oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols), which can cause digestive problems. These foods sometimes require testing for sensitivity:

  1. Vegetables: onions, garlic, cauliflower, asparagus

  2. Pulses: lentils, chickpeas, kidney beans

  3. Fruit: apples, pears, cherries, plums, peaches

  4. Cereals: highly processed wheat, barley, rye

  5. Lactose-rich dairy products : cow's milk, high-lactose cheeses (fromage frais and soft cheeses)

  6. Certain leafy green vegetables : chard, kale

  7. Carbonated beverages and alcohol : can cause gas build-up in the digestive system, and excess alcohol can irritate the intestinal mucosa.

A water-free meal

For greater inner comfort and optimized digestion, it's advisable to drink 30 minutes before eating and wait 30 minutes after eating to drink again. As Axelle explains, drinking water during a meal can create digestive discomfort by making the stomach swell. If you drink too much water during a meal, the stomach will quickly become full and the feeling of satiety will be felt, but it will actually be distorted.  

On the other hand, the combination of water and dessertshould be avoided, as water promotes the absorption of glucose by the body. As a result, you'll be at risk of insulin spikes in the blood after your meal! Of course, if you're very thirsty, don't go without. Finally, adopting an upright posture rather than a bent one will optimize the proper functioning of internal organs, facilitate the digestion process and have a positive impact on intestinal transit. The result: less bloating and tension in the abdomen!

The art of breathing well

Did you know that breathing is the key to good digestion? Breathing seems to be a matter of course for everyone, but too many of us still don't breathe properly... "Breathing that's too fast, too short, blocked or jerky will disrupt the proper functioning of our organs. And it prevents us from completely expelling our waste", as Axelle Rogano explained.

Think of breathing as a natural massage of your organs to stimulate digestion and promote the elimination of toxins. Deep, abdominal breathing is excellent for relaxing the mind, the vagus nerve and refocusing. 

Axelle Rogano's breathing technique

"In 3 to 5 beats, inhale through the nose. Visualize the Qi, the vital energy, like a big ball of fire entering your nostrils and invading your whole body. Inflate your belly as you inhale, trying to push away your hands - which you've previously placed on your belly to feel. Then, in 3 to 5 beats, exhale through your mouth, imagining all the negative energy escaping from your entire body. The belly empties itself of air.

Test this by repeating the technique 3 to 5 times. Beyond the fact that breathing increases our vitality, it also brings oxygen into our body, which will help our organs to work better by increasing blood flow and therefore ensuring better stimulation of our intestines!"

#seo: firming body serum

Sheathing that feels good

Ready to firm up your tummy? Sheathing is the most effective form of exercise. Start in the plank position and hold for 30 seconds, then 1 minute, then 3 minutes... And why not 10 minutes? Holding this position every day, even for just a few minutes, will help sculpt a less swollen belly. After showering, apply Firming Body Serum 290 L:a Bruket, this body serum with immediate tightening effect offers a soft, "perfect skin" effect, instantly thanks to the sea thistle in its formula, which acts on firmness and stimulates cell renewal.

The team's tips and rituals for a less bloated tummy

Juliette, founder of Oh My Cream: "I find it harder to stick to in the evenings, but at lunchtime as soon as I feel bloated, I switch to a meal based on 3 starch-free foods (quinoa, greens, lentils, buckwheat etc.) and no starches." 

Pernelle, Training Manager: "My ritual after a big meal is a physical activity such as walking. But a method that also works really well is hypopressive abs, like a massage for the stomach and intestines." 

Elsa, Editorial Manager: "Drink lots of water! And to manage to drink at least 1.5L of water a day, I've invested in an 800ml water bottle worthy of an athlete, which I fill 2 or 3 times a day. It's my only way of staying hydrated in summer and winter alike."

Fanny, Communications Manager: "Celery juice! Unbeatable for a deflated belly. I get it squeezed every morning at my local greengrocer's and drink it on an empty stomach to get my day off to a good start."

Axelle Rogano 

on @theayamtherapy on Instagram 

And discover her treatments on


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