The best spa is a home spa.

Ok, so to be clear, we would have preferred it if things hadn’t turned out this way. But if we have to stay at home, what could be better than a lovely hot bath, a manicure and a bit more me-time? 

Wallow in a wonderful bath

L'Oil Bath for the Senses Sensory Bath Oil Susanne Kaufmann, is an oil that lives up to its name and which, when poured directly into a hot bath, will make the hardest day go by...


Indulge in a massage 

Bergamot, neroli, orange... so many relaxing essential oils that give you an immediate smile thanks to their flowery and sparkling notes, which can be found in the Phyto Replenish Body Oil Dermalogica.


A mask that’s actually nice to wear!   

The Hydrogel Footprint Mask with Hyaluronic Acid Bioeffect is a gel patch to be left on for 15 minutes, the time to moisturize the skin and restore its plumpness and radiance. It's a relief for even the thirstiest skin that's uncomfortable wearing a mask.

A manicure for hard-working hands 

Inside the bag of Ecological Manicure Ritual Kure Bazaaryou will find a nail file and gloves soaked in shea butter lotion. To be used without moderation, snuggled up on the sofa in front of a good show.


Look after your hair  

With its short formula based on coconut and sweet almond oils, the Vegan Hydration Mask Cut By Fred is THE reference mask for all hair, becoming an absolute best-seller in just a few months.


And last but not least 

For a massage as good as the one you get from your facialist, take your favourite skincare oil and settle down to watch Thao explain how to give yourself a relaxing face massage. 


Did you like this article? Then you should love "Under the Mask", where we blow our tips to prevent small pimples or even redness caused by wearing the mask. Take care of yourself ❤️

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