
We tested for you the EMSculpt to sculpt your figure in 4 weeks

Looking for a firm buttock and sculpted abs as summer approaches? Fanny pushed the door of Innerskin to discover the electrostimulation technology that reshapes the silhouette in only 4 weeks: the EMSculpt NEO. The procedure, contraindications, frequency and fees, not to mention results and opinions, we tell you everything about this remodeling protocol tested by Fanny. 

#seo : EMSCulpt Neo test

What is EMSculpt NEO?

Far from being the new trendy treatment for beauty addicts,EMSculpt NEO is the only non-invasive and painless procedure that can help you lose fat and gain muscle mass, without the slightest effort. Its promise? Sculpt a reshaped and refined figure in only 4 sessions thanks to the muscle contractions that this body sculpting technique provokes.

Using high-intensity electromagnetic energy, the EMSculpt is said to train 20,000 muscle contractions, the equivalent of 20,000 squats or crunches, in just 30 minutes! When we know that this kind of performance is not possible with a simple effort on our side, the EMSculpt NEO is the ideal ally for the less athletic among us, to sculpt our abdominal muscles or firm up our buttocks. 

Contraindications: who can practice EMSculpt NEO?

The Emsculpt was designed for both women and men who wish to sculpt their stomachs or firm their buttocks. However, it is not recommended for people with pacemakers or metal implants, as well as pregnant or nursing women. 

What are the benefits and results of EMSculpt Neo?

Combining two energies simultaneously: high-intensity electromagnetic energy and radiofrequency energy, EMSculpt effectively develops the muscles of the abdomen, buttocks and thighs, while reducing the fat mass of the treated areas. Faced with these strong contractions, the muscle tissue must adapt to these conditions, thus causing internal restructuring, muscle gain and fat loss. After 4 sessions, the figure is reshaped and streamlined. 

On the stomach, EMSculpt tones, muscles and firms the abdominal belt, while melting fat. On the buttocks, it reshapes the shape of the buttocks by increasing their muscle volume, while strengthening, toning and firming. On average, after 4 sessions, muscle mass increases by 25% and fat mass decreases by 30%.  

How does an EMSculpt NEO session at Innerskin work?

An EMSculpt NEO session combines muscle strengthening and subcutaneous fat removal and lasts approximately 30 minutes. At the beginning of the session, the practitioner places the applicators on the area to be treated before selecting the intensity of the contractions according to the wishes of the person being treated and his or her tolerance. 

Although painless, this electrostimulation treatment nevertheless causes a slight tingling sensation, as well as a tightening sensation in the muscles, just like during an intense physical activity session or a lifting session. Rest assured, an EMSculpt NEO session is safe

Fanny's opinion on the EMSculpt Neo electrostimulation treatment

"I tested 4 sessions of 30 minutes each for 1 month, one session per week. The cabin is cosy and comfortable, I take place on the massage table and then the machine is positioned at the level of the abdominal strap. The first session is intense, the contractions are powerful and repeated (I had asked for 100% intensity, the maximum, but this is adjustable for each person) and the machine also gives off heat, which is rather pleasant, with the objective of burning the fat of the small belly fat. 

I feel that my abs are working without respite for 30min and I'm happy that it doesn't last longer because it's really like a sport session! And the next day, a few aches and pains are to be noted, but nothing too serious. The following sessions are also intense, but the body gets used to it as the sessions go on, and it becomes very bearable.

After 4 sessions, I see a real difference, especially on my upper abs, which I find more defined, and when I wake up, my stomach is flatter and more muscular. I find this technology really great before the summer to have a quick "flat stomach" result in parallel with traditional sports sessions. I really want to continue my treatment for a few more sessions, more spaced out to prolong the effect until the swimsuit season ;-)

Rates and frequency

The results of EMSculpt NEO are optimal after 4 sessions of approximately 30 minutes each, spaced out over a few days. 

Fanny opted for one session per week for 4 weeks at Innerskin. As for , you will have to pay 400 euros for a 30-minute session at Innerskin. 


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