How to prevent or get rid of stretch marks?
80% of women are affected by stretch marks. So how to prevent and reduce these stretch marks? Origin, prevention and treatment, we explain everything in this new beauty file!
Upper thighs, breasts, belly... The famous little welts are common and it is far from easy to get rid of them. A stretch mark is a stripe that appears on the body during growth spikes, weight variations or hormonal changes. The marks are initially purplish red and then become white over time. In pregnant women, they are more frequently located on the stomach, breasts, hips and thighs.
It is important to know that stretch marks are very common, since nearly 80% of women are affected, and that during the first pregnancy, between 50 and 70% of women see stretch marks appear at the end of their pregnancy. Finally, there is a genetic predisposition to the appearance of stretch marks.
Stretch marks are generally related to weight gain, weight loss or pregnancy. They are partly of hormonal origin. Also, they are generally thinner and more discreet than those revealing a disease and have no impact on health.
The so-called "classic" stretch marks are generally hormonal in origin and can therefore appear at the time of puberty or pregnancy, which are times of intense hormonal changes.
During pregnancy, and particularly in the second trimester, the quantity of a hormone (cortisol) increases and causes the suppleness and elasticity of the skin to vary. The higher the level of cortisol, the less collagen is produced. As collagen is responsible, together with elastic fibres, for the suppleness of the skin, the latter becomes less elastic and if it is stretched by weight gain or pregnancy, stretch marks can form.
In the same way, rapid weight loss causes the skin to become stretched, which, after being stretched, leaves traces in the form of stretch marks when the weight is lost. Athletes are also often prone to stretch marks because of the high level of cortisol in their bodies. Finally, very thin skin is also more prone to stretch marks. Finally, the application of creams containing corticosteroids (or prolonged use of oral corticosteroids) can cause and promote the appearance of stretch marks.
Let's be honest: no treatment can completely remove a long-standing white stretch mark. However, when taken soon after they appear, i.e. in the inflammatory stage, they are easier to treat.
To reduce your stretch marks and possibly prevent the appearance of new ones, moisturize your body every day with a suitable anti-stretch mark cream to keep it supple, avoid cracking and restore the skin's radiance, like the Whipped Body Butter Indie Lee.
During and after pregnancy, opt for this powerful duo of day cream and night oil to combat stretch marks, Pomegranate & Pumpkin Seed Anti-Stretch Mark Systemfrom Pai Skincare.
Also, let yourself be tempted by a massage that stimulates the production of collagen fibers in one of our institutes near you, or by thinking of regularly performing dry brushing before showering (also excellent to promote lymphatic drainage or to reduce the sensation of heavy legs).
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