Beauty posts

Hair Detox: it’s time to clean up your act!

Mais pourquoi ce shampoing qu’on aimait tant nous fait désormais les cheveux raplaplas ? D’où viennent ces pellicules ? Et ces longueurs toujours aussi sèches malgré notre armada de soins nourrissants ? Si vous faites partie de la team “bun à la va-vite” tous les matins, il est sans doute temps de remettre les compteurs à zéro. On vous explique tout !

Why does your hair need a detox?   

Parce que le cocktail pollution + mauvaises habitudes + accumulation d’ingrédients douteux dans certaines formules fait qu’à la longue, votre chevelure peut craquer. Bien souvent d’ailleurs, c’est plutôt le cuir chevelu qui craque : asphyxié par un surplus de silicones ou encore d’agents irritants qui provoquent des pellicules ou des plaques. Pour remettre les cheveux sur les bons rails, il suffit de revoir ses habitudes et d’opter pour peu de produits, mais faisant la part-belle à des actifs dépolluants, rééquilibrants et réparateurs. 

A clean slate... 

Our selection of products

Le Gentle Shampoo Micellar Cleanser Coelho Beauty daily use is THE universal, gentle, multi-purpose care product that eliminates impurities while respecting the scalp, thanks to its gentle surfactants derived from sugar and coconut.

Detox Stick Shampoo Cut By Fred to be exchanged for your daily shampoo once a week. It is ideal in case of recalcitrant dandruffsensitive scalp or greasy roots. Hang on, fresh effect guaranteed!


For nourishment, shine and protection 

Our selection of products 

Le Babassu Mascarilla Revitalizing Hair Mask Ceremonia eis enriched with 6 natural oils and butters for maximum hydration. Now your nourished, shiny lengths and lighter hair.

L'Fine Hair Conditioner Rosemary & Peppermint John Masters Organics stimulates follicles to restore density, regulates sebum and coats hair lacking volume. Silicone-free, it makes hair less "slippery" and facilitates styling.

To detoxify and stimulate growth 

The right product 

Leonor GreylRegenerating Natural Stimulating Oil is enriched with borage, chili rose and apricot kernel oils, with regenerating, antioxidant and stimulating actions to stimulate the scalp, eliminate dandruff and fortify the bulb while promoting new growth.


How to understand your hair

If our hair could speak here are the little changes we think it might ask for… 

  • Brittle hair: "We need a little more freedom." or "A little softness please."

Buns and ponytails really damage the hair and you should never tie up wet hair. Rubbing hair dry after the shower is damaging as is brushing your hair too fast or too vigorously. Excess heat is also a disaster. 

  • The "elastic" and refined hair: "Can we take a break?"

Getting your hair coloured or stripped too regularly (every month for example) kills your hair little by little. Even with the best haircare products in the world, there will come a point where you have to let healthy hair grow and take the scissors to the rest. 

  • Dull or false reflections : "Come on, just a little pigmented care!"

This is equally important even if you don’t have coloured hair because naturally blonde or red hair can oxidise (pollution doesn’t help). Use a naturally pigmented product once a week to sort out the problem. 

  • Foamy curls: "We need the fat!"

If you want lovely curls you need to avoid washing the hair too frequently and above all skip any products containing alcohol which tend to make curls feel like cardboard. Instead, try a hair cream after washing and the day after.

Did you like this article? Learn more about your hair right here :)

The detox selection for hair


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