An osteopath and facialist shares her 10 well-aging tips.
Caring for your skin, body and mind: these are the pillars of well-aging, a holistic approach to aging that emphasizes prevention and balance. We asked osteopath Camille Bourretère to share her top tips for healthy, beautiful aging.
"Toxins (alcohol, cigarettes, etc.) have a huge impact on our inflammation and therefore the appearance of our skin. We also forget about all the everyday toxins in our kitchens (plastics, Teflon, cleaning products, detergents) in our bathrooms (skincare, toothpastes, soaps), etc. For me, it's important to get back to basics for a healthy body and skin: raw products as much as possible, optimal hydration, reduction of toxic substances, sport, breathing and clean skincare. Glowing skin, a soothed mind and a healthy body are all about internal balance."
A balanced diet
"It's essential to nourish yourself from within with healthy, raw, quality and varied products, then supplement if necessary. The balance of fatty acids is very important. Our skin is mainly made up of them. I've personally seen a radical change by rebalancing the fatty acids in my diet, and increasing my omega 3 content (fish, poultry, blue-white heart soft-boiled eggs, organic cold-pressed rapeseed oil in the fridge) has been decisive for my skin but alsoforsupporting the brain. I really like the brand Dijo brand for improving digestive comfort and thus enabling the absorption of vitamins, trace elements, proteins etc.
Remember to eat a varied, unprocessed diet. I recommend you take a look at Claire Andreewitcha goldmine for naturopathy, micronutrition and skin beauty. My friend Rivka de PazDoctor of Pharmacy, micronutritionist and Dr Emilie Steibach make it their profession. I've seen great changes in my patients' skin simply through diet and supplementation."
"It's essential to play sport intelligently. You need muscle under the skin for toned skin. Hypopressive abdomen work or vacuum training are very interesting ways of doing this. Swimming is one of the best sports for venous and lymphatic return. Not only do you work on your cardio, but also on lengthening and strengthening your muscles. "
Calling in a professional
"There are many non-invasive treatments available today to support skin aging, such as radiofrequency or laser. I love the facial massages at Marina Mecchia(@ohmyfacialiste) and the results of treatments by Chantal Lehman are impressive."
And be grateful to ourselves
"It's an immense blessing to be in full health and to be able to see yourself ageing, I'd say that gratitude and joie de vivre are the priority for me."
Camille Bourretère is a freelance osteopath in Paris. Passionate about the work of the hand, but also about the beauty of anatomy and what she describes as the metabolic machinery, she reveals her best tips for aging better and her advice for skin health and nutrition on her Instagram account @camillebourretere_osteo.
You can also meet her by appointment at her Paris office.
Cabinet Santé Amelot
62 Rue Amelot, 75011 Paris
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