My moisturizing routine

Ma peau en ce moment :
Elle est inconfortable, tiraille après le nettoyage et le maquillage ne tient pas très bien. Elle peut aussi présenter de petits squames et manquer d’éclat. Sur le contour des yeux ou le front, de fines ridules en surface commencent à apparaître. Bref, la peau a besoin d’un grand verre d’eau pour retrouver son plump et son confort.

Your complete routine


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To get started:


Le matin, on commence par nettoyer sa peau avec la Mousse Nettoyante Oh My Cream Skincare, une mousse onctueuse qui laisse la peau fraîche, douce et apaisée.

Puis, on applique le Baume Contour des Yeux Oh My Cream Skincare, une crème ultra-réconfortante pour hydrater intensément la zone délicate du contour de l’œil et diminuer l’apparence des cernes. 

On poursuit sa routine avec le sérum hydratant Cloud Jelly Herbivore, un sérum à la texture gel, pour repulper et apaiser et qui laisse la peau douce et souple. 

On termine par la Crème Universelle Oh My Cream Skincare, une émulsion onctueuse pour nourrir et protéger tout en apportant confort et douceur à la peau. 

Pour booster l’éclat de sa peau, ajoutez quelques gouttes de Glow Drops Dr. Barbara Sturm directement à la Crème Universelle. Véritable concentré d’éclat, les Glow Drops peuvent aussi s’appliquer en touche finale ou se mélanger au fond de teint.

At night:

Le soir, on opte pour un double nettoyage avec l'Huile Démaquillante Oh My Cream Skincare, une huile fluide qui dissout le maquillage du visage et des yeux, la pollution et l’excès de sébum, avant de nettoyer sa peau avec la Mousse Nettoyante Oh My Cream Skincare

Puis, on protège son contour de l’œil avec le Baume Contour des Yeux Oh My Cream Skincare.

On applique ensuite le sérum hydratant Cloud Jelly Herbivore, avant de masser sur son visage quelques gouttes de l’Huile Bioregenerate Rosier Sauvage Pai Skincare, une huile de soin aux pouvoirs régénérants qui corrige les irrégularités du teint, tout en aidant à la cicatrisation. 

1 to 2 times a week:

On peut opter 1 à 2 fois par semaine par un nettoyage plus en profondeur avec une exfoliation en douceur avec la Poudre Exfoliante Oh My Cream Skincare. Cette poudre “teint parfait” laisse le grain de peau lisse et uniforme, booste l’éclat du teint, et prévient des imperfections, pour une peau souple et veloutée.

Pour nourrir intensément, on applique le masque hydratant Moisturising Mask Susanne Kaufmann, qui apporte une nutrition longue durée et forme un véritable bouclier contre la déshydratation, pour une peau souple, rebondie et un teint frais et lumineux. Les peaux les plus sèches pourront même l’appliquer en crème de nuit pour une peau intensément nourrie.

To go further :

Pour aller plus loin et décupler les effets des produits, on peut aussi utiliser le duo complément alimentaire et beauty tool :

  • L’Essentiel Peau Combeau : un complément alimentaire universel et efficace pour révéler la beauté naturelle de chaque peau. 
  • Magic Mushroom Quartz Rose Sentara : deux pierres de quartz rose aux bords arrondis pour masser le contour de l’œil et l’ensemble du visage, et retrouver des traits lissés et un teint frais. 

"Like a big glass of water for the skin! I'm a fan of its creamy texture that soothes and leaves my skin soft and comfortable."

- Marion

à propos du Sérum Hydratant

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Lack of radiance & Uniformity of the complexion: the routine for a luminous skin

- Radiance is like the Holy Grail we're all looking for, with an even complexion and healthy, luminous skin at the top of our beauty fixture list. But sometimes small pigmentation spotsor a dull, blotchy complexion. How do you get a radiant complexion ? This guide will give you all the beauty tips you need for beautiful, glowing, well-moisturized skin.


How to recognize a dull skin, lacking radiance? 

It can be recognized by its lack of uniformity: the complexion appears dull, blurred, almost a little gray. Sometimes, darker, more pigmented spots appear on areas of the face. 

As soon as we are exposed to the sun, under the effects of UV rays, these spots can darken and are even more numerous. The skin gives the impression of having lost its radiance and we dream of gaining in uniformity and transparency...


What causes dullness

- It is possible that the skin's makeup removal and cleansing routine is not adapted. A quick wipe with makeup remover or micellar water does not perfectly eliminate all the small impurities. Thus "polluted", the skin does not breathe well and can in the long run become clogged and let imperfections appear.

- A lack of exfoliation can also be the cause. Exfoliating your skin allows you to get a new skin, to chase away the greyness by eliminating all the dead cells. 

- The final factor may be the appearance of brown spots that give the complexion that uneven look. When everything is going well, melanocytes (the cells that produce melanin, the skin pigment) work in a moderate way to release this parasol molecule only when our skin needs reinforced protection. However, these cells are very sensitive and quickly get carried away. At the slightest change (hormonal variations, post-healing, too much exposure to the sun), it is anarchy and they work too hard: spots appear in these areas of overzealousness.

Bring back brightness: how to avoid a dull complexion?

Cleanse thoroughly to remove all dirt

      The double cleansing is ideal for all skin types and is particularly recommended for boosting radiance: it is the most effective and gentle cleansing method. As a bonus, it is also a great ally against skin aging. Indeed, a well-cleansed skin will be better oxygenated and will benefit from its care routine. By meticulously cleansing your face every night, you can prepare your skin for specific treatments. This is the most important step in any skin care routine! 

I start with a cleansing oil or balm This first product will emulsify all the fatty substances present on the skin's surface, such as sebum, pollution and make-up (including waterproof mascara!). This is the most delicate way of eliminating impurities accumulated during the day, without irritating the skin. Little by little, this helps to restore clear skin, tighten pores and reduce skin problems. What's more, the oily texture will also begin to moisturize the skin and bring it comfort. A good thing if you have dry skin. But rest assured, using an oil cleanser can also gently regulate combination skin by gently eliminating shine.

In the second step, to refine the result and cleanse deeply, follow the oil or balm with a gentle cleansing milk or gel. milk or gel cleanser. Moisturizing and comfortable, milks cleanse perfectly without aggressing skin prone to tightness, while soap-free gels bring a sensation of purity to skin in search of freshness. The trick? Cleanse the skin with a formula that contains enzymes or fruit acids to gently exfoliate for immediate results on complexion radiance


Exfoliate your way to brightness 

ExfoliationExfoliation is the "beautiful skin" gesture par excellence (provided that it is gentle and does not cause irritation)! By eliminating excess dead cells, facial exfoliation optimizes the penetration of active ingredients, allowing the skin to become smoother and more radiant, while fighting against small imperfections (spots, pimples, dilated pores). It is also a great step for anti-wrinkle prevention: by promoting cell regeneration, exfoliation preserves the elasticity and firmness of tissues.


Plant oils for a radiant complexion

Finally, we finish our routine by protecting our skin with a care oil adapted to the needs of skin lacking radiance. L'care oilwhether used as a serum or on its own, helps maintain moisture levels in normal skin, while regulating shine. Rich in essential fatty acids and nutrients, it provides comfort and combats dehydration by smoothing fine lines. As an added bonus, it also provides skin with the oil it needs to stop producing excess sebum. What's more, it leaves a lovely veil of glowy "veil on the skin! 


Our advice to make dullness a think of the past 

To maximize results, I add a few well-chosen specific gestures to my routine. Vitamin treatment, radiance mask, facial moisturizer, sun protection... I choose from among these adapted and targeted treatments to offer myself the most complete routine for a perfect, radiant complexion.


DOs for a radiant complexion

- Rely on sun protection on a daily basis to prevent brown spots but also to prevent existing ones from darkening.

- Resume a an anti-spot routine Every fall is the right time to calm the melanocyte and get it back on track.

- Focus on regularity and duration: stains are a complicated problem to solve and it takes at least 6 to 8 weeks of consecutive treatments to see results.


The DON'Ts against dullness

- In the morning, apply powerful exfoliating products based on retinol or glycolic acid. To avoid any risk of photosensitization, they are best used in the evening.

- Forget about self-tanner which, contrary to popular belief, brings out the spots...

- Putting on perfume before an exposure. I don't forget that melanocytes are the most fragile cells and that certain substances do not mix well with the sun.

- Thinking that a pigment stain can disappear completely. If it is very recent, it is possible. But, in most cases, an adapted cosmetic routine can lighten it but not remove it completely. 

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