5 tips for an immediate boost

Often, it doesn’t take much to boost your energy, your complexion and your spirits! After all, the three are closely linked. We recommend a brilliant concealer to hide the signs of too short a night or a well-chosen supplement to boost your morning energy levels. Here are some tips and tricks to add to your daily routine for an instant beauty pick-me-up. 

1. Back to basics make-up for a fresh, bright complexion   

Review your essentials to keep only the things that really makes you look good A truly moisturizing concealer that is easy to apply directly with your finger and reflects light like the A Cover Up RMS Beauty.

If you haven't tried it yet, invest in a clean highlighter highlighter with a natural effect like theComplexion Illuminator Ilia, which you can apply to the upper cheekbones and brow bone to start.

Moisturize and adorn your lips with a lovely veil of colour with Balmy Tint Hydrating Lip Balm Ilia Balmy Tint Hydrating Lip Balm: easier to apply than a classic lipstick, it immediately gives your lips more pep.

Go for clean make-up, which integrates moisturizing active ingredients they naturally provide that famous "glow". Finally, if you're not a big fan of foundation, limit yourself to a care foundation to smooth your features and simply unify them, like with the Instant Wrinkle Filler Patyka.

2. Exfoliate to reveal better, brighter skin  

It doesn't take much time and yet it changes EVERYTHING! If you're in a hurry, opt for the Daily Microfoliant Dermalogicathis cult powder takes only a minute to reveal velvety skin and a radiant complexion. A great option for mornings in a hurry... Otherwise, opt for the Glycolactic Skin Renewal Mask Ren Clean Skincare, a marmalade of exfoliating fruits to be left on for 10 minutes and then rinsed off.

3. Boost your system with a supplement 

To (finally) get out of bed on the right foot and boost your immunity in the face of winter ailments that sap your energy and morale, spirulina, guarana and ginger work miracles.. To make sure you're sitting comfortably, we recommend taking them in the way that suits you best. In capsules with " On veut être d'attaque dès le matin". Atelier Nubio or in tablet form with Spirulina Wild & The Moonor even in ampoules with "We want a marine tonic Atelier Nubio.

Our selection of shine

4. Massage your skin for a couple of minutes a day 

It doesn't sound like much, but using our Dry Body Brush a few minutes in the morning, wakes up your entire lymphatic and blood network. Result: a 100% natural energy boost and as a bonus, a softer and firmer skin. On the face, we opt for the Roll-On that you slide over dark circles and puffiness to decongest and decongest and open the eyes. And for an even more "wahou" effect, place it in a cool place before using it... And if self-massage is not really your cup of tea, offer yourself the Express Modeling in our Studio This 30-minute treatment sculpts the oval of the face and brings out the pink in your cheeks!

5. Boost your hair routine 

At this time of year, hair often tends to look duller, softer, and a little flat... Boost your routine by adding our Scalp Massaging Brush. Nothing better to activate microcirculation, loosen the roots and boost growth! And for the sometimes impressive hair loss in this season, the ampoules "We Want a Mermaid Hair" Atelier Nubio are perfect to remineralize our mane, and even the nails a little soft or brittle.

The boosting selection

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Oh My Cream Skincare

Brosse à Sec Corps

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Oh My Cream Skincare


32 €
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Oh My Cream Skincare

Brosse Massante Cuir Chevelu

17 €

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