Behind the scenes

The team's favorite In & Out duets

Discover the favorite food supplements and beauty tools of the Oh My Cream team. Marion, Pernelle and Elsa can't get enough of these In & Out duets to start the year off on the right foot and transform their skin. Discover their favorite gestures for lack of radiance, immunity or digestion and bloating.

Marion's immunity boosting ritual

"The cure that recently blew me away is The Indispensable Dijoa probiotic cure that takes care of the stomach, boosts immunity, improves digestion and the general state of well-being. Combined with Ayurvedic Copper Tongue Scraper Cosmic Dealerwhich eliminates bacteria accumulated during the night, it is the ideal ritual to strengthen the immune system this winter."

Marion's In & Out Duo


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Elsa's anti-balling cure

"The complement I can't do without at the beginning of the year is We want... a flat stomach from Naïade Nubio Workshopan ideal treatment to relieve digestive problems and which offers a real flat stomach effect. For 2 months now, I complete my treatment with a daily body massage with the Dry Body Brush Oh My Cream Skincare for a complete detoxifying action!"

Elsa's In & Out Duo


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Pernelle's radiance duo

"My favorite dietary supplement is We want... a doll's complexion Nubio workshop. I use it every day because it contains Vitamin C that evens out my complexion to have a pretty doll's complexion. And to boost the radiance effect, I opt for the Magic Mushroom Quartz Rose Sentara, a stone duo that massages the face to regain a fresh complexion and smooth the features."

Pernelle's In & Out Duo


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