Why Oh My Cream is (finally) launching a fragrance!
Many of you have been eagerly awaiting this launch: the arrival of fragrances on our shelves. So why is Oh My Cream finally launching, what are the new brands that will make you want to wear perfume and the gems that will intoxicate you? We've got you covered!
Why perfume?
Perfume has never really been an obvious choice for us. But faced with growing demand from our customers and the emergence of increasingly desirable brands with ranges consistent with our selection, it was time for us to take the plunge. After all, we couldn't be completely present in your bathroom without offering you these fragrances that are as beautiful as they smell, and with noble, respectful formulas. And even if you're not an absolute perfume fan, this is the selection that will (finally) make you want to perfume yourself according to your preferences, your desires and your mood of the day!
This new fragrance collection is available online and in selected boutiques: in our flagships in Montmartre and Saintonge, our boutiques in Francs-Bourgeois, Abbesses, Legendre, Bac, Guichard, Charonne, Debelleyme, Vavin, and Marché Saint Honoré in Paris, as well as in our boutiques in Lyon, Lille and Bordeaux.
Perfume brands to be found at Oh My Cream
Would you like to know more about how these fragrances were selected? Discover our selection chart for fragrances. Looking for a new fragrance? Follow our guide to find the ideal scent to suit your preferences or take our perfume quiz.
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