Food Supplements & Superfoods
(Re)discover all the benefits of your Collagen, enhanced by the antioxidant and energizing powers of Matcha.
With its new, richer, more effective formula and 7 exceptional active ingredients, L'Essentiel Peau Combeau is the secret to beautiful skin all year round.
In the Journal
What is the role of a dietary supplement?
Beauty comes from within! Since we started out, we've been more than convinced that the road to beautiful skin is all about balance. But with our fast-paced lifestyles, we can't always get enough sleep, take the time to apply a face mask every week, or eat a balanced diet at every meal. Taking a dietary supplement on a regular basis is undoubtedly the best way to boost your daily routine. They provide the body with an additional source of nutrients and offer a host of benefits to resolve our beauty concerns. Whether it's to improve digestion, skin condition, hair growth or boost collagen production, these carefully selected natural concentrates are part of the solution.
What are the benefits of a dietary supplement?
It's all very well to have a healthy lifestyle and even a healthy diet, but sometimes our bodies need a little help to function properly. Food supplements are full of benefits for body and mind. As a complement to, not a substitute fora varied, balanced they provide the body with the vitamins, minerals, amino acids and fatty acids it needs. In powder form for mixing or sprinkled on our favorite dishes, in capsules or tablets, in ampoules to be diluted or in herbal teas to be drunk, food supplements have many benefits. Depending on their formulation and composition , each dietary supplement has a very different function. So everyone can find the one that's right for them. In fact, they meet a multitude of needs such as improving digestion, boosting immunity, managing stress, facilitating concentration... Food supplements can even help with skin problemsThey can even help with skin problems, such as treating blemishes, nourishing dry skin or reducing redness. Combined with an effective skincare routine, results are rapidly visible.
Oh My Cream's selection of food supplements
It took us over a year to choose the gems beauty products on offer at Oh My Cream. Each product has been tested to ensure that you have access to the crème de la crème of nutritional supplements. Combeau, Activist, Wild & The Moon, Maison Loüno, Atelier Nubio and Cosmic Dealer have all joined our shelves. Everyone can find the right food supplement for their needs. Combeau for a multitude of skin concerns, Activist to improve immunity, Maison Loüno and Cosmic Dealer for stress management... Certified organic French brand, Atelier Nubio offers a wide range of dietary supplements for skin and hair growth, as well as to boost digestion. As for Wild & The Moontheir plant-based powders are ideal for incorporating into your dishes and drinks.
Our cult food supplements
Some of these new gems clean dietary supplements have quickly become bestsellers. Find out more On veut un ventre plat de naïade Atelier Nubio: 100% detoxifying herbal ampoules that relieve digestive disorders, drain and decongest the abdominal area for optimal intestinal well-being. Its "flat belly" effect blew us away! You'll also love L'Essentiel Peau Combeau, a dietary supplement with an ingenious cocktail of 7 super-powerful active ingredients, revealing the natural beauty of every skin type. Finally, We want mermaid hair Atelier Nubio, 100% plant-based ampoules with soothing and remineralizing properties, to balance the scalp and strengthen hair and nails...
Find out all you need to know about dietary supplements here.